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You searched for: inspiration

One of the reasons I find it so exciting to work in the crowdfunding space is because I get to witness crowdfunding actually shift and shape our economy. I often […]
An extremely valuable part of my work is my clients. In the crowdfunding space clients are essential because I jump from campaign to campaign to campaign, which means multiple clients […]
“The broken places are my canvases,” Artist Lily Yeh says in the documentary The Barefoot Artist. “People’s stories are my pigments. People’s talents and imaginations are the instruments. I began […]
Human beings have long been engaged in dramatic struggles. We want to honor our better angels, yet our demons wait on the corner, smirking. They know we’ll crack. Evolution has […]
This is not a video to inspire your next party trick, but a lesson in physics. See why the power is in the toes for swordsmith Max McCarter of Zombie […]
According to a Pew Research study, if you count people who change from one type of Protestantism to another, “44% of American adults have either switched religious affiliation, moved from […]
Twenty years ago one of the greatest documentaries ever made, Hoop Dreams, premiered. Hoop Dreams told the story of two Chicago high school basketball players hoping to take their talents […]
Every new cultural institution hopes for “The Bilbao Effect”—the economic boom the faltering, former industrial city of Bilbao, Spain, enjoyed after the 1997 rise of architect Frank Gehry’s game-changing design […]
Bees aren’t the most obvious choice when picking collaborators, but they’ve been cooperative in helping Canadian artist Aganetha Dyck create sculptures decorated with honeycomb. Her work is inspired by the […]
This could be a photograph snapped during a family vacation to the Grand Canyon. These are the tire-tracks of the car-sized Mars rover Curiosity. NASA reports that the future Pixar […]