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The human mind likes simplicity. It’s a complicated world, so we filter it into one cohesive and easy-to-digest worldview. This perspective is a rather unscientific one, however. When we observe […]
The most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen was not produced by Wes Craven or found in a theme park, it’s what I see some people do to themselves to lose weight. Take a look at these SEVEN scary diets . . . but reader beware if you’re easily grossed-out!
For the uninitiated, we have compiled a short list of Tumblrs that are worth checking out. Please share your recommendations with the Big Think community. 
A new style of writing reflects the assumption that people take in information in little chunks and nuggets and don’t really have the ability to immerse themselves in the text and pay attention.  
I find it fascinating that based on what we now know, we can’t yet say that it’s impossible to travel in time. 
The first two words that came to my mind about the Rolling Stone cover of The Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev were “craven” and “disingenuous,” but they were followed by other words. […]
The monks of Mepkin and agnostics like Warren Buffett alike have been wildly successful in business not despite their fanatical commitment to the highest principles but because of them.