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You searched for: Ethics

Jason Torpy argues in the American Humanist Association e-zine that “vegan priorities are humanist priorities.” His argument is a bait-and-switch–he sets you up for brie and leaves you with textured […]
On Sunday I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr. Sara Dexter. Sara is an Assistant Professor of technology leadership in the Department of Leadership, Foundations, and Policy at […]
Yesterday Ben Grey highlighted an issue that often arises when educators think about technology initiatives: If a public school teacher writes a grant for technology, but the district can’t sustain […]
[cross-posted at The Gate] Someone recently sent me the following quote from a school administrator (regarding legal concerns related to technology initiatives): The school district is legally obligated to protect […]
Forty-one states use the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) Standards for School Leaders as the model for their administrator certification and preparation programs. The ISLLC standards currently are under […]
Okay, at the risk of being labeled a Scrooge, I’m going to say it, because one of the things we bloggers do is challenge each other (hopefully politely) to spark […]