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You searched for: Birds

Faced with climate change, some birds are changing their migration schedules and staying closer to home — and in the future they might stop migrating altogether.
A new study suggests that birds, bats, and lizards may play an important part in preserving the Earth’s climate by eating insects that forage on plant life.
“What’s the difference between a frog, a chicken, a mouse and a human? Not as much as you’d think, according to an analysis of the first sequenced amphibian genome.”
Remarkably well preserved genetic information has been found in the fossilised eggshells of an extinct species of elephant bird from Madagascar, the biggest bird ever to walk this earth.
Homosexual activity has been documented in many animal species but labeling animals as gay carries social baggage that scientists want to keep out of their research.
Chickens don’t follow the mammalian model in the way that gender is assigned to them before birth according to discoveries by scientists at the University of Edinburgh.
If you think a crow is looking at you with malice in its eyes…chances are it is. Wild crows can recognise individual human faces and hold a grudge for years, according to research.
A brilliantly preserved skeleton of the extinct dodo bird, found in Mauritius in 2007, could provide valuable DNA information which could lead to the genetic resurrection of the species.
Reports of airplanes hitting birds and other wildlife have soared to more than 10,000 in the months since a US Airways jet ditched down in New York’s Hudson River.