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I don’t have time for much more than a quick up-date on the war in Sa’dah – I return home on Friday and hope to have more time to write […]
Ever wonder what happened to the two men Yemeni security forces captured back in August in a raid on an al-Qaeda safehouse in Tarim, which killed Hamza al-Qu’ayti and four […]
Guest Blogger, Marion Ginopolis, is the former Superintendent of the Oxford Michigan Public Schools and Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded leadership/technology program, LEADing the Future. She […]
[cross-posted at Moving at the Speed of Creativity] nn U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellingsnis under fire. Not only is the Department of Education dealing with the ReadingnFirst corruption scandal, […]
Yesterday I attended a session at TIES (the Minnesota state educational technology conference) by Keith Krueger, CEO of CoSN. Keith presented some findings from a report on Hot Technologies innK-12 […]
The sub-title to this piece is “Patient-Advocates as Harbringers of Hope in the Health Care System.” n Disclaimer: I am a Libertarian-Progressive. I generally trust markets more than I trust […]
Here’s my schedule for SXSW 2009, courtesy of Sched. If you’d like to meetup, text me at 650-796-9815. I’m especially looking for people to interview who are relevant to trends […]
There is a tendency when talking about al-Qaeda to over-exaggerate the threat and hastily abandon nuance in an attempt to make headlines, I’m sure I am as guilty of this […]
The Air Force doesn’t want service members logging into Foursquare or Facebook Places. Earlier this month it circulated a message saying that the use of geolocation services—which keep track where […]
Over half the world’s population lives in cities, with millions more pouring in every year. Countries like China, India and South Korea are investing heavily in new so-called “smart cities” […]