It’s not so well known that being overweight (not merely obese) brings with it a cancer risk.
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A galaxy very different from our own may hold the key to seeing what our far future looks like. “We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum […]
Being an engineer is not just about being able to calculate and analyze. It’s a whole spectrum of skills.
Well, okay, maybe you are dumb, drunk, vapid, and horny (oh, and also, lazy and narcissistic—see Time). You’re young, after all. In case you’ve not seen them, some Colorado ads […]
I would argue that probably there are more people like me who learn through interest-driven learning or through building things than young people who can kind of plan their future and execute against it.
Who will win this death match?
The Magellanic Stream, which extends almost halfway around the Milky Way, is only detectable at radio wavelengths, and made visible in the wonderful composite image above.
“Love, Actually” exemplifies a remarkable transformation from a society that understood female empowerment as a systemic concern to one that interprets all feminist concerns about empowerment through the ideological lens of market-based morality.
A Wisconsin engineer has used a schematic briefly released online earlier this month to design a working prototype with a US$1,725 3D printer and $25 worth of plastic.
Amid the controversy surrounding 3D printed firearms, writer Cory Doctorow fears that the larger discussions regarding regulation of new and potentially problematic technologies will be clouded over by arguments over gun rights.
Once upon a time, a car was an industrial machine you climbed in and drove around. Today, it’s also a tracking and nudging machine that second-guesses you for your own […]
When the citadels of knowledge for knowledge’s sake collapse, the marketers rush in to fill the void. We’re in greater need now than ever of epistemology – a careful, systematic examination of what we know and how we know it.
How do I want to put some measurements for myself to see if I can channel my periods of creativity more effectively?
A new poll shows that Americans overwhelmingly blame the GOP for the catastrophe that continues this evening in Washington. Things are getting so bad for the Republicans that prospects for reopening the government and avoiding a debt-ceiling crisis are, I think, looking up.
After I learned my why, I literally stopped telling people what I did and only started telling them what I believed.
A proposal by Rep. Eric Swalwell, a freshman House Democrat, would allow Congress to vote remotely, the advantage being that they could attend to affairs in their home district instead of having to physically be in Washington D.C.
Researchers at MIT modeled the inside of a bone and used software to create a design that could be read by a 3D printer. The resulting lightweight composite could be used in several different applications.
Overcoming a limited belief requires ignoring that little voice in your head that says, “I can’t”, “I’m not good enough”, “only so and so people can do that” – one could spend a lifetime coming up with excuses.
Ecological footprint measurements, as currently constructed and presented, are so misleading as to preclude their use in any serious science or policy context.
How the closest supernova in a generation — soon to be visible to skywatchers almost everywhere — is about to help us better understand the entire Universe. “I saw a star explode and send […]
Mandela’s legacy of a better world, with better people behaving in better ways is often nowhere better undermined than on “social” media. During the period where the world seemed to […]
Fed up with British Airways’ handling of his father’s lost luggage, Hasan Syed took the matter to Twitter by complaining via its self-service advertisers’ platform. It got the airline’s attention, along with that of millions of others.
What a surfer’s story can teach us about the promises we make to ourselves about the future.
We all know Rockwell’s Freedom from Want by heart, even if we don’t know its title.
We’ve seen in many countries where they have instituted some quotas that they have been able to bring more women in and that it really has made a big difference in the quality of the decision making position
Today’s “blacksmith” is a skilled designer/3-D Printer with highly developed skills in CAD design who is able to help locals prototype and create custom products that they concept for various uses.
Scientists in an Austrian lab have created complex human brain tissue from stem cells, creating what the scientific community are now calling “mini-brains.”
How is a noun, a thing, an ethic of human endeavor, a platform for innovation, a lens through which we look at how we do what we do.
The manufacturing revolution that 3-D printing was meant to facilitate has stalled. Given that much of the printing hardware is decades old, fault lies with 3-D printing software, says Matthew Griffin.
For the reader, art connoisseur, music fan, or student, this is a “money for nothing and your chicks for free” kind of world (Google the lyrics if you’re too young […]