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The fundamental source of prejudice is not ideology, but rather a basic human need and way of thinking, says a new study. To reduce prejudice we must first recognize the role it plays in our daily lives.
The US and China are stuck in a stalemate when it comes to cyber security and hacking. That’s because the US is as much an aggressor as it is a victim. A Q&A with Adam Segal, counterterrorism and national security expert at the Council of Foreign Relations.
Thanks to prominent politicians like Rick Santorum and Orrin Hatch, America has been having a contentious debate this week about what it means to be a snob in today’s society. […]
In a previous thread, again buried in a huge pile of comments, there was one I wanted to highlight: Now you talk of pregnancy as a real life threatening thing […]
Philanthropy is a tricky business. To begin with, there’s the question of which group, among the millions of needy and suffering people in the world, to help. Even more complicated is […]
Jason Silva says he is trying to share his techno-optimistic views in ways that inspire people with awe and wonder, and spark conversation within the greater “marketplace of ideas”. 
It appears that Santorum’s time as a serious contender for the Republican nomination is about to come to a close.  It’s true that the experts (including me) have wrongly counted […]