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You searched for: Harry Harry

45% of employers use social networks to research applicants. Whether you’re a god of the Twitterverse or happier with a pen in hand, your career is now linked to the digital landscape. Will reputations be made or broken on the web?
So here’s a ferocious attack on new atheist Sam Harris from the Nation, our country’s leading leftist publication.  The conclusion: Harris is oblivious to this moral crisis [of selfish individualism]. His self-confidence […]
With typically Hibernian hyperbole, James Joyce once claimed that “if [Dublin] suddenly disappeared from the earth, it could be reconstructed from my book.” That book would of course be Ulysses […]
[I’m a little behind. I was supposed to post this last Friday…] I am thrilled to announce the next recipient of the crimson megaphone : Kim Moritz, an associate superintendent […]
With federal judges retiring at the rate of one a week—and being replaced nowhere near that fast—101 of the 854 seats on district and circuit courts are currently vacant. Can democrats and republicans make nice and fill this gap?