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One salient feature of the United States in the 21st century is a belief that our school system – from pre-kindergarten to higher education – is failing us. There are […]
Edward Brantmeier and I recently published an article focused on how modern digital technologies can be used to catalyze peace. In it we argue that: Information communication technologies (ICTs) play […]
What strategy should the atheist movement adopt during the holiday season? Should we focus on doing good works as a visible proof that we’re caring and moral people, or should […]
On Christmas Eve, Sudarsan Raghavan of the Washington Post wrote a detailed article about a September air strike in which the US attempted to kill ‘Abd al-Rauf al-Dhahab, whom it […]
The 2008 elections, in which pro-gay-marriage campaigners won a sweep at the ballot box, is a clear sign that the tide of society is shifting in favor of equality. We’ve […]
• The big news, of course, is that the U.S. presidential election is on Tuesday. Take heart, progressives: although the media and the Republicans are straining mightily to pretend that […]
So I’ve gotten several emails asking what I think about the idea talked up by the devoted Democratic professor Jonathan Zimmerman in the semi-iconoclastic Christian Science Monitor: affirmative action for conservatives […]
While I think this conversation has already gone on long enough, I guess I should mention that Reap Paden has left a comment on my post from last weekend about […]
I’m taking a break from talking about conservative diversity to think  more about justifying the content of liberal education these days. So here’s an account of chairs of departments of history […]