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Around 1,500 light-years away, hot young stars surrounded by glowing gas make up the Great Nebula in Orion. This massive starbirth region is on the edge of an interstellar molecular […]
Around 6,400 light-years away, in the constellation of Orion, is this sparkling skyscape captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. On the edge of NGC 2174, this image shows a corner […]
Nicknamed “Heart” and “Soul,” these two bright emission nebulas could be considered the heart and soul of our galaxy. Located in Cassiopeia, the nebulas shine brightly thanks to the red […]
Carl Jung devoted much of his professional life to analyzing dreams, much to the chagrin of his colleagues. He saw a connection between these nighttime visions and our seemingly innate […]
Every letter holds a special story for those who marvel at the Universe. “When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off.” –Vanna White […]
Dear Boston Logan TSA, It was airport drudgery like any other day: carryon luggage stuffed with a week’s worth of clothing, a backpack brimming with notebooks and magazines, an overpriced […]
Sometimes images captured by NASA look like works of art. This one looks painted in the style of Chiaroscuro, sharp contrasts between light and dark. NASA explains why: Deep shadows […]