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There is a new treatment for C. diff infection that’s safe, effective, and has no known down side except that it’s disgusting to think about.
‘All man’s miseries,’ wrote the French mathematician Blaise Pascal, ‘derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.’ Silence can do sinister things to a human being. […]
Every decision we make depends for its success on our ability to weigh the evidence and choose the wisest course, given our objectives. In session 5 of her Big Think Mentorworkshop on The Seven Essential Life Skills, Ellen Galinsky reviews the research and offers tips for building critical thinking skills in adults and children.
We usually reserve the term ‘suffering’ for major traumas: death, divorce, political upheaval, natural disasters. While such tragedies certainly account for much of our personal and social anguish,  the minor […]
In Three War Stories, David Mamet explores redemption and forgiveness in the context of conflict. In The Redwing, excerpted here, a 19th Century Secret Service naval officer recounts his own transformations during the course of his service and imprisonment.
Archie Archambault, that’s who! The philosophy graduate turned printer struck upon the concept of circular maps after moving to Portland. In Oregon’s biggest city, he felt something that must have […]