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Like millions of other Americans over Thanksgiving weekend, I went to see Steven Spielberg’s masterpiece, Lincoln.  I was mesmerized by Daniel Day-Lewis’s portrayal of the great statesman. I was also […]
Evolution is by definition a difficult concept to grasp since you can’t observe it happening in front of you. Nevertheless, some unlikely converts are coming over to Bill Nye’s point of view.   
For the third year running, here’s a very personal, very subjective, “I can’t read everything, so I probably left out something, so mention it in the comments, OK?” list of […]
The tablet revolution, by making it possible to place advertisements within digital e-books, is about to change the publishing world forever. Imagine commuting to work while reading The Great Gatsby on your […]
Forget the “pivot” or the “reboot” or the once ubiquitous “2.0” – the hot new technology buzzword this holiday season is the “mobile facelift.” From Silicon Valley to New York […]
“China has allowed the Yuan to appreciate in value against the dollar and Euro and other major currencies,” Daniel Altman says, “and now there are very few analysts who would say that it’s artificially depressed.”
When painter and showman Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre burst onto the scene in 1839 with his Daguerreotype—one of the earliest forms of photography—“Daguerreotypemania” quickly ensued. The art world quickly took notice of […]
A short essay argues that most institutions should immediately institute moratoriums on hiring new faculty and building new facilities, and that universities need to focus on clarifying their value proposition in a world of ‘commodity [higher] education.’
We’re having a conference—sponsored by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute—at Berry College next Friday and Saturday on POP CULTURE and REAL CULTURE.  All the details can be found here.  YOU are […]