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You searched for: positive thinking

I was honored when Scott asked for my contribution to this series of posts on what teacher want from an administrator. It just so happens I have a thought or […]
This week I’d like to award the crimson megaphone to Candace Shively, who blogs over at Think Like a Teacher. I’m a big fan of Candace’s writing style and wish […]
It’s not “OK” for us to simply abstain from teaching kids to think simply based on the fact that we have to administer a test at the end of the […]
Here’s a not-so-secret tidbit for you… If you think states and school districts are doing a poor job of preparing administrators to lead in this digital century, university educational administration […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn Chart 1: A discrepancy of beliefs n Here is a chart of some findings from the recently-released Speak Up 2007 surveys of nearly 368,000 […]
Educators today are expected to integrate the collection and analysis of student learning data into their ongoing instructional and organizational practice. Yet if you walked into almost any school in […]