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You searched for: Computers

Inventor, entrepreneur, author of best-selling book The Singularity is Near, and futurist Ray Kurzweil recently spoke to TIME magazine about his predictions for humanity’s future.  Some highlights: 1)   Computers are becoming cheaper, […]
I have added a new site to the “sites of interest” tag on the side. This site is devoted to Jarallah ‘Umar, the YSP politician who was assassinated in December […]
David Warlick has blogged often about our need to tell a new story. A story about the technological shifts that are occurring in our society. A story about the impacts […]
Bad timing with schedules today, as we are both, for various reasons, going to be away from computers, at least sporadically. With that in mind, we invite our readers to […]
I caught the tail end of a report on al-Jazeera this morning about the happenings in the south – it did not look good. News Yemen is reporting at least […]