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You searched for: Computers

Those in charge of the artificial intelligence hype delight in exciting us and frightening us with the fiction of a machine that can think. It’s great theater, but that’s all it is.
A middle school librarian in New Jersey has gotten some media attention for her anti-Wikipedia campaign: Linda O’Connor regards Wikipedia the same way former first lady Nancy Reagan campaigned against […]
n This is Minnie, our Dell Inspiron 910 Mini “netbook” that’s the newest addition to our computer family. As the pictures show, she’s a lot smaller than my ThinkPad X61 Tablet. […]
Here’s another envisioning of the forms that traditional print publications are going to take as tablet eReaders and computers become more prevalent. This one is from Penguin Books and shows what […]
I previously posted about wireless technologies in less developed nations. Kofi Annan supported this view nearly 4 years ago! One cool indigenous Wi-Fi innovation, is the Cambodian motoman. Here, motorcycle […]
Before Watson’s Jeopardy! contest was even over, I.B.M. and Nuance, a leading maker of voice-recognition software, announced plans to put the computer to work in the health-care industry.
Well, I’ve really enjoyed this week of guest blogging.  As an academic whose professional livelihood requires writing according to lots of strict formatting and content guidelines, I find a lot […]
We have some technology funds to spend in my department. The computer lab that we provide for our on-campus graduate students is brand new and, other than some needed software, […]
My latest roundup of links and tools… America is not competitive A majority of Fortune 1000 executives surveyed give the American pre-college system a failing grade. As Andrew Trotter reports […]
Apple didn’t invent the tablet computer, but it didn’t invent the MP3 player or the cell phone either, says Shane Richmond. Now Apple markets its iPad 2 as a post-PC device.