It’s great to be in a position of authority — you have a unique chance to get things done and move your business forward. Command, though, is a funny thing: […]
As a leader, you’re in an incredible position to contribute to the success of your employees, as well as create an environment that promotes, encourages, and nurtures employee empowerment. By […]
A toxic workplace is detrimental to employees and their productivity. It also repels the best and brightest talent from wanting to step through your doors. So, it’s important to discover […]
Strong interpersonal skills are the “soft skills” that help us successfully live, work, collaborate, and exist with others. Professionals with strong interpersonal skills hone these capabilities through daily practice and […]
Harvard psychologist Susan David says she worries about the message that society promotes about focusing on happiness — that it may inadvertently result in greater levels of unhappiness. Happiness has become […]
The New York Post reports that CEO turnover is the highest it has been in eight years. However, according to the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL), executive churn is a […]
Employees leaving is the reality for many businesses. According to the Harvard Business Review (HBR), many organizations do not hold exit interviews — or, if they do, they don’t analyze […]
True innovation and design thinking do not necessarily originate only with the sequestered brain trust of a “skunkworks” research & development style team. Instead, it is the productive combination of […]
Motivation is a mysterious mechanism that varies from person to person. Duke University professor and behavioral economist Dan Ariely says that there’s a dissonance between what we think motivates people […]
Entrepreneur, investor and podcast king Tim Ferriss addresses an issue that everyone faces: procrastination. Ferriss shares some of the insights he gleaned from interviews with world-class performers and leaders for […]
There are certain skill sets that are crucial for professionals to be able to exercise in their work environment. Regardless of your industry, interpersonal skills (such as being able to […]
Amid all of the powerhouse, brilliant minds that author and investor Tim Ferriss has interviewed for his podcast and new book, “Tools of Titans,” one idea kept springing up: creating […]
Organizations at every level seek to have the best possible leadership within their ranks. They often are willing to spend extra time, money, and effort to train their employees. Having […]
Training enables growth for employees across any number of industries. Employees who receive training tend to perform better than those who receive no training and also tend to feel more […]
Setting short-term performance goals for employees can provide invaluable benefits to your company or organization in the long run. In addition to providing a written set of clear, achievable objectives […]
It is becoming an increasingly popular trend in Silicon Valley to place failure on a pedestal. According to author Tim Ferriss, the phrase “fail fast, fail forward” has become a […]
Investor, advisor and author Tim Ferriss says that often times the smartest questions are the “dumbest” — the ones that no one asks because they are afraid of being shamed. In a […]
Tim Ferriss is an old hand at goal setting. However, many people let fear hold them back when setting their own goals. In this video, Tim dives into how to […]
In this video, Sarah Robb O’Hagan discusses some of the experiences and revelations that she had while working on her book, Extreme You. Among the most impactful realizations is how many […]
Robert S. Kaplan, president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, discusses the qualities of effective leadership and identifies some of the questions that every leadership should regularly […]
In this video, Malcolm Gladwell, staff writer with The New Yorker magazine and author of four New York Times bestselling books, discusses what separates “geniuses” from the rest. In addition […]
Finding Opportunity Where Others Think It’s Impossible In this video for Big Think+, Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, talks about how opportunity isn’t based on “disruption for […]
Employee engagement is an ongoing struggle for many organizations. Numerous studies from employee research organizations have tied the engagement of employees to higher profits, efficiency, retention, and other benefits. However, […]
Efficiency is an obsession for many organizations—whether they’re businesses, nonprofits, or government agencies. However, efficiency isn’t a metric in and of itself. Efficiency is always linked to another performance metric; […]
Self-Directed Learning (SDL) empowers employees to control their own development and education. A well-executed SDL initiative can improve the speed at which employees gain new skills and increase engagement with […]
Virtually every organization engages in some form of employee development and training. There are so many obvious benefits to training, such as ensuring that employees have specific skills or understand […]
Summary Shane Battier, a famous sports commentator once recognized as “the 7th smartest athlete in American pro sports” by The Sporting News, shares his insights about advanced analytics and how they helped […]
Never underestimate the power of having a strong set of goals for your business. Business goals are more than just figures on an earnings chart displayed in boardroom meetings—they’re also […]
Keeping any employee happy and engaged with their work is a constant challenge for employers. Happy workers tend to be more productive and better able to focus on tasks than […]
Millennials, aka the generation of workers born between 1980 and 2000, are a bit different from previous generations. This is the first generation to grow up with the internet, Google, […]