Zombies aren’t a modern-day obsession. Throughout history, fear of the undead led to bizarre burial rituals all over the world.
Fortune cookies emerged from one of America’s darkest moments.
His plan to replace it with homegrown rice did not go well.
Just like with AI, people worried about job security and the spread of disinformation. Machines were destroyed and book merchants were chased out of town.
When Mongol traders came knocking, Sultan Muhammad II shaved off their beards. Three years later, his whole empire was annihilated.
Most male mammals have little or nothing to do with their kids. Why is our own species different?
Climate and ecological changes, as well as disruptions to the food chain, were already killing off the dinosaurs.
Nevada has the fewest number of native-born citizens.
She apparently learned some valuable business skills as a former prostitute.
The story of China is the story of global economics.
In order to figure out how English might evolve in the future, we have to look at how it has changed in the near and distant past.
Steam cars hit the U.S. market in the 1890s but were largely extinct by the 1930s. Will technology bring them back?
Always look on the bright side of death.
The cathedral is being explored as never before.
“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
It is easy to underestimate how much the world can change within a lifetime.
Humiliating powerful people was not a key to success.
Some classic books, like Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” remain controversial to this day.
From landscaped gardens to road systems, the Persians were among the first to create many things we still enjoy today.
Instead of giving the 239 suffering families and the public a true story, Netflix exploited a horrifying tragedy to push conspiracy theories.
In all mammals, there are two brain pathways for processing information from the eyes: an evolutionarily ancient one and a more modern one.
Did fire change the development of the human brain?
“The Tao of the wise is to work without effort.”
Queen Calafia seems like she could have sprung from the pages of a modern fantasy novel.
About 1 in 5 adults now say they have no religious affiliation, up from 1 in 50 in 1960.
The 1,200-year-old “Book of Ingenious Devices” contains designs for futuristic inventions like gas masks, water fountains, and digging machines.
Not even Einstein immediately knew the power of the equations he gave us.
Jules Verne wrote about gasoline-powered vehicles, weapons of mass destruction, and global warming more than a century ago.
“Painfully forced” is how one contemporary critic described Fitzgerald’s writing style.
Archaeologists turn to other scientific fields to fill in the picture of how victims lived and why they died.