Although we’re all under the same skies, those at Mexican latitudes will especially enjoy this one tonight! “Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on […]
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You searched for: sun
The Sun — like nearly all stars — burns bright through its nuclear reactions, sending light, heat and energy out into the Universe over a timespan of billions of years. But how? “The sun is […]
Take a moment today to appreciate exactly how lucky we are to have what we do. “It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years […]
It’s a scientific truth of the Universe, one that many people — children especially — have trouble coming to terms with. But it doesn’t have to be a tragedy. “Through that last dark cloud is […]
The physics of accurately knowing just how much time has passed. “While friendship itself has an air of eternity about it, seeming to transcend all natural limits, there is hardly any […]
The tiny pistol shrimp should be a character in the video game Street Fighter. When it goes hunting for prey, it shoots water that’s as hot as the surface of […]
From atoms to solar systems to galaxies, everything seems to have rotation and revolution. Where does that come from? Image credit: Fermilab / DOE / Dark Energy camera; Dark Energy […]
With the iconic pillars and fairy inside, this star-forming region in our galactic plane just might be the most spectacular of them all. Image credit: ESO, via “The most […]
Into the Bestiary Business Should Chinese creatures be incorporated into Anglo-Saxon parlance, and if so, where to draw the line in number and color? This goes beyond linguistic pedantry and […]
It’s no mean task to admit we’re wrong or to pinpoint the cause of our intellectual errors. But we can try. Darwin is proof that it can be done.
Venus may be an inhospitable planet, but it’s certainly a sight for sore eyes. NASA released this stunning image today of Venus rising in the early morning hours off the […]
They’re the densest objects in the Universe, but even they won’t live forever. Here’s why not. “It’s like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None […]
More than 400 years after Galileo’s first telescopic observations, we’re more certain than ever that the Earth is moving through space. How do we know? “Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and […]
Perhaps the most spectacular example of rebirth in our galaxy, this cavernous nebula is giving rise to the next generation of stars! Image credit: ESO, via “For in the […]
“I don’t believe in aging. I believe in forever altering one’s aspect to the sun. Hence my optimism.”- Virginia Woolf (born on this date in 1882)
What glitters with the brilliance of 100,000 Suns? This guy. “It’s not what you have on the outside that glitters in light, it’s what you have on the inside that shines […]
As Stephen Hawking argued here on Big Think, humans must find another Earth or our species will be wiped out. Luckily, NASA has been acting as our real-estate agent. NASA […]
Here’s what it would look like if we started dreaming again. “There is just one thing I can promise you about the outer-space program — your tax-dollar will go further.” –Wernher von Braun […]
Every element found on Earth was made in either the Big Bang or the cores of stars… except these three. “We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things […]
The quantum nature of the Universe ruins everything. “What we observe is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning.” –Werner Heisenberg When you think about the […]
We are made of exploding stars: from the iron in our blood to the calcium in our bones. It all comes from supernova explosions, and now researchers can look inside […]
Will Comet ISON survive its close encounter with the Sun?
The comet is believed to have broken up and evaporated.
Pleiades, the brightest and well-known star cluster in earth’s sky, is slowly destroying part of a passing cloud of gas and dust, according to NASA. That and the “spidery” imagery […]
Clean energy. GREEN energy. Energy that can solve global warming. Environmentalists are all for it. And as a direct result, no matter what the benefits, conservatives are absolutely against it. […]
There have been many supernovae in the Milky Way seen over the past 2,000 years, but nobody ever saw the most recent ones! Image credit: NASA/CXC/NCSU/K.Borkowski et al. “When I […]
The Joseon Dynasty ruled over Korea for more than half a millennium, stretching from 1392, when horses were still the main means of travel, to 1910, the dawn of the […]
A friend of mine recently posted a link to one of the hilarious articles detailing the bone-headed Olympic Games preparations in Sochi and asked, tongue not really in cheek, “Did no […]
The incredible story of a single simple atom, that just happens to be in your body right now! Image credit: Richard Crisp, via “The atoms come into my brain, […]
Do changes in a gravitational field propagate instantaneously, at the speed of light, or at a different speed altogether? “The only problem with the speed of light, is it gets […]