Animators at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. created this short movie showing how the sun can cook a comet.
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What is at the heart of an active galaxy? Researchers believe that massive black holes millions of times more massive than our sun comprise galactic cores, according to NASA. This […]
We don’t know the nature of either dark matter or dark energy: 95% of our Universe. Does that mean the Big Bang is in doubt? Image credit: wiseGEEK, © 2003 — 2014 […]
We do not set out to cause offence. But we go where strange maps lead us.
Editor’s Note: This article was provided by our partner, RealClearScience. The original is here. IN 1939, INTREPID engineers at the fledgling British Interplanetary Society proposed a daring mission into outer […]
From Earth and beyond, these time lapses show our one-of-a-kind motion through the Universe. “Building one space station for everyone was and is insane: we should have built a dozen.” […]
How do we know how old the most distant objects we see actually are? “Sometimes a person has to go a very long distance out of his way to come back […]
Rather than the six or seven you may have learned, your eye is capable of delineating a tremendous number more. But just how many, and what’s the explanation? “The colors […]
Editor’s Note: This article was provided by our partner, RealClearScience. The original is here. If asked who gave birth to the modern scientific method, how might you respond? Isaac Newton, […]
No other idea explains even two of these. Image credit: NASA / CXC / ESO WFI / Magellan composite. Any recent article about the remaining mysteries of the Universe will […]
“Eclipse watchers” have been dying to catch a glimpse of this image, captured in clear skies in central Africa, which depicts the Sun’s total eclipse on November 3.
There’s a supermassive black hole at the center of almost all of them, but who came first? “One has to be an optimist; one has to hope that somewhere there’ll be […]
Gravity is a hard force to overcome, but some worlds get an unlikely assist that makes it all too easy. “Some prophecies are self-fulfillingBut I’ve had to work for all of […]
It rose up out of the sea, a fearsome roaring monster unlike anything humans had ever seen, horrible, primeval, unstoppable, towering, breathing radioactive fire and leaving total destruction in […]
Deceive your eyes with this amazing art technique that makes 2-D drawings come alive! “The contemporaries and rivals of Zeuxis were Timanthes, Androcydes, Eupompus, and Parrhasius. This last, it is said, […]
2014 might mean out with the old (as was the case with Comet ISON, which fell victims to the sun), and yet, Comet Lovejoy (C/2013 R1) is still alive and well, and was captured in this scene on New Year’s day.
The question remains as to whether the bright spot seen moving away from the sun was simply debris, or whether a small nucleus of the original ball of ice was still there.
A galaxy very different from our own may hold the key to seeing what our far future looks like. “We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum […]
This star cloud is the only one of its kind: the densest large concentration of stars in the entire sky! Image credit: Dan Bush of Missouri Skies, via “It […]
While hope remained over the weekend that Comet ISON may have survived its close encounter with the Sun, the 4.5 billion year-old comet fragmented on November 28.
Four days ago the hybrid remote controlled vehicle Nereus began its 40-day mission to explore the Kermadec Trench, one of the deepest oceanic regions on the planet. Diving below 6,000 meters […]
If we knew all we do about math and physics, but had never seen the heavens, what would we conclude? “Both the solutions must be rejected, and as these are […]
Scientists are unsure whether a coronal mass ejection from the sun – pictured here – took the sungrazing comet out.
From the Beatles to Nirvana, this artist’s imaginings make the originals even better! “I feel very adventurous. There are so many doors to be opened, and I’m not afraid to look […]
Is the largest object in our galaxy — our central black hole — poised to devour a massive gas cloud? “What makes us love… is when we learn all these fantastic stories. Feeding the imagination […]
We’re told that our high-tech meritocracy based on productivity is the source of our enlightenment when it comes to our resolute opposition to racism, sexism, and heterosexism. Certainly the demands […]
While President Putin has released some political prisoners, the act itself was a kind of de facto acknowledgement of the corruption and the repressiveness of Russia’s political and justice system.
Kas Thomas: The evidence is substantial enough that people should start thinking about taking substantial amounts of vitamin D as prophylaxis against cancers of all kinds.
The greatest cosmic battle — between gravity and expansion — has been going on for billions of years. Who will win? “We can lick gravity, but sometimes the paperwork is overwhelming.”-Wernher von Braun When you […]