We still don’t know how the information encoded onto it gets out. No matter what you do in the Universe, its overall entropy always increases. Even when we put things in […]
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Science is for everyone, even those possessing strongly held beliefs that seem to conflict with the best available evidence.
Black holes aren’t just the densest masses in the Universe, but they also spin the fastest of all massive objects. Here’s why it must be so.
Billions of years ago, the ever-increasing entropy must’ve been much lower: the past hypothesis. Here’s how cosmic inflation solves it.
If you want to get the Universe we see, a multiverse comes along for the ride. When we look out at the Universe today, it simultaneously tells us two stories about […]
The dream of zero resistance is closer than you may think. One of the biggest physical problems in modern society is resistance. Not political or social resistance, mind you, but electrical […]
Study finds quantum entanglement could, in principle, give a slight advantage in the game of blackjack.
And either way, is energy or information conserved? When two things in the Universe that “always” occur meet one another, how do you know which one will win? Gravitational waves, […]
Can spacekime help us make headway on some of the most pernicious inconsistencies in physics?
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Researchers discover black holes that violate the uniqueness theorem and have “gravitational hair.”
Signals from the environment, such as those detected by your sense organs, have no inherent psychological meaning. Your brain creates the meaning.
It’s literally the one and only trick that separates top-notch physicists from crackpots, dropouts, and those who can’t cut the mustard.
How Nobel Prize winner physicist Lev Landau ranked the best physics minds of his generation.
Dark matter must gravitate, so why couldn’t the graviton solve it? One of the most puzzling observations about the Universe is that there isn’t enough matter — at least, matter that we know […]
Inventions with revolutionary potential made by a mysterious aerospace engineer for the U.S. Navy come to light.
In the 20th century, many options abounded as to our cosmic origins. Today, only the Big Bang survives, thanks to this critical evidence.
For some reason, the bodies of deceased monks stay “fresh” for a long time.
Since its observation discovery in the 1990s, dark energy has been one of science’s biggest mysteries. Could black holes be the cause?
We’re used to scientists telling us about the math and physics behind astronomical events. But what does studying space make us feel?
Today, we could use Big Data to radically reform democracy. Tomorrow, we could build nanofabricators and usher in an era of abundance. Is society ready?
A clever new study definitively measures how long it takes for quantum particles to pass through a barrier.
Life largely owes its existence to this equation. Be sure to hug your house plant today.
From physics and alchemy to theology and eschatology, Isaac Newton’s research was rooted in a personal pursuit of the Divine.
The strangest thing about trying to predict the future is that our only clues lie in the past.
Empty, intergalactic space is just 2.725 K: not even three degrees above absolute zero. But the Boomerang Nebula is even colder.
Has all this happened before, and will all this happen once again? There are only a few questions, when we ask them, that force us to reckon with the fundamental nature […]
There’s a speed limit to the Universe: the speed of light in a vacuum. Want to beat the speed of light? Try going through a medium!
The Universe has asymmetries, but that’s a good thing. Imperfections are essential for the existence of stars and even life itself.
Whatever’s lurking out there, it isn’t all, or even mostly, normal matter. When it comes to the Universe, it’s only natural to wonder what, exactly, it is that makes everything up. […]