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Inspirational leaders understand and can scale the distinction between doing something and, as capitalists, making money versus doing something in order to make money. 
When David Bowie played Andy Warhol in the 1996 film Basquiat, he wore Warhol’s actual wig and glasses. Bowie met Warhol in his travels through the art world and even […]
I decided that I would attempt to scientifically figure out where on the phylogenetic tree, which is the master map of all the species on earth, where you might put God. 
The word entrepreneur is tossed around a lot today, but it’s meaning changes depending on the context.  The concept was first introduced in 1723 by French economist Richard Cantillon but […]
The top rung of Patanjali’s eight-limbed Ashtanga ladder, Samadhi, has been defined in numerous ways. Usually associated with the last step before enlightenment, it is translated as ‘ecstasy,’ and has […]
In the last month, two people that I’ve critiqued in this column have replied and created fruitful dialogues. J. Brown, a teacher whom I respect for his intellectual fortitude, just […]
Originally posted at Guest post by Todd Norton A small victory on the second day of school this year still has me smiling.  It was something very simple, a […]
Big food, which is industrial food, big farming, which is agribusiness, and big pharma all profit from making people sicker and fatter.  
Between smart phones, smart pads, apps, cloud computing, and the myriad of other technological advances and transformations occurring today, many company leaders are wondering how to navigate it all. Historically, […]
Last Sunday, June 23rd, I gave a lecture at the Sanderson Museum in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, titled “Art Made Personal: Chris Sanderson and The Wyeth Family.” Below is a summary […]
For the first time ever we have seen an equal balance of men and women on a NASA program. You could say that this new development is one big leap for women.