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The flood of images of violence and unrest continues to flow from Ferguson, Missouri, in the wake of the shooting death of Michael Brown on August 9, 2014. (See one […]
You never would’ve guessed that nuclear physics could be this easy. “Mr. Burns: Smithers, hand me that ice-cream scoop.Smithers: Ice-cream scoop?Mr. Burns: Damn it, Smithers! This isn’t rocket science, it’s brain […]
What is a sunset like on Mars? The image and question may seem like something out of The Little Prince. Luckily, NASA’s robotic rover Spirit, sent to the “Red Planet” […]
M44 is a cluster of young stars some 600 light-years away from Earth. Also known as the Praesepe or Beehive Cluster, its stars are around 600 million years old compared […]
Venus may be an inhospitable planet, but it’s certainly a sight for sore eyes. NASA released this stunning image today of Venus rising in the early morning hours off the […]
Prisoners are strongly influenced by the self-enhancement motive (i.e., the desire to see themselves in positive light)…no matter what objective circumstances might be.
NASA posted a photo today of the Lighthouse nebula. The image shows the aftermath of a supernova, including a runaway pulsar and a spiraling jet that’s 37 light-years long, which […]
NASA is creating the coldest place in the known universe, according to DNews. Space is already freezing cold. So why does NASA need it even colder? It turns out that […]
As Stephen Hawking argued here on Big Think, humans must find another Earth or our species will be wiped out. Luckily, NASA has been acting as our real-estate agent.  NASA […]
Do you live in a chilly northern climate? Then don’t be surprised to see some bright auroras in the night sky. Dramatic prominences from the sun are expelling hot gas into […]