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In the hours following the deaths of more than 50 Egyptians in Cairo earlier today there were wildly divergent accounts of what actually happened. Here is a summary, from Wendell […]
One of the first words nixed by postgraduate education is “truth.” Amidst all the deconstructing and linguistic acrobatics, “truth” is just too troublesome and old fashioned. So, imagine my surprise […]
The most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen was not produced by Wes Craven or found in a theme park, it’s what I see some people do to themselves to lose weight. Take a look at these SEVEN scary diets . . . but reader beware if you’re easily grossed-out!
WESTERN commentators translate the Zhongguo Meng as “Chinese Dream,” thereby patronizing China’s socio-cultural originality and marketing it as a franchise of the “American Dream”. But are the two civilizations really […]
This week, Business Insiderwrote about a study reporting the sad news that women are just not selling screenplays at the rate of men. In fact, they’re grossly being left out […]