The origin story for our Universe got a major revision nearly 40 years ago. Time to catch up. 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter and energy contained within our Universe […]
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You searched for: Structure
Stop prescribing advice and start helping people come up with their own solutions.
Fifty years ago at UCLA, the first message was sent over the predecessor to the internet.
From Newton to today’s scientists, we’re only seeing part of the story unfold.
Stanley Tucci has played a lot of different roles on movie sets, both in front of and behind the camera. As a director, though, Tucci stands in the center of […]
Appraising a ubiquitous feature among modern folk.
The “green” proposal would bring a 21st-century update to the 850-year-old cathedral.
We’ve put so much together about the Universe. Could it all come tumbling down? We’re always on the lookout for the next big thing, and even our best guesswork is often […]
Archetypes of creation and the origin of all things.
The world promised by the internet and social media is one where physical barriers are a thing of the past and communication is instantaneous. The current reality has some of […]
Two of our biggest science-fiction dreams might not remain fiction for much longer. Here’s how 21st-century science could make it real. For as long as human beings have looked up at […]
Eric Weinstein says that we need to rethink the current scientific model to allow for more dreaming.
The Sudbury neutrino observatory, which was instrumental in demonstrating neutrino oscillations and the massiveness of neutrinos. With additional results from atmospheric, solar, and terrestrial observatories and experiments, we may not […]
The light we observe isn’t the same as the light that gets emitted. Here’s what causes it. The light you see, when you look out at the stars and galaxies that […]
Our antipathy toward the natural world is bad. But it’s not too late to change.
Books that will sharpen the youthful mind.
When it comes time for humanity to pick a new home, where will we go?
Even the best science imaginable has its limits. In terms of ambition, it’s hard to ask for more than to know absolutely everything there is to know about the Universe. That’s […]
When it comes to lifelong conditions like autism spectrum disorder, we tend to be biased in a way that obscures reality.
Scientific surprises are often how science advances. But more often than not, they’re just bad science. When you’re a scientist, getting an unexpected result can be a double-edged sword. The best […]
A new report sees a major disruption in where we get our food.
Psychologist and author Dan Ariely understands the appeal of rational economics: If people can be expected to behave rationally, life is simple. You can predict their behavior and devise systems […]
It’s a “surprising trend,” said Google’s lead analyst for pay equity.
It’s much more complex a question than dividing its mass by the volume of the event horizon. If you want to get a meaningful answer, you have to go deep. If […]
New research reveals a major shift in what pressures life used to face.
A review of Matthew Engelke’s How to Think Like an Anthropologist.
It’s a supergiant star in the final stage of its life, and it just dimmed by an enormous amount. What’s going on? When you take a look at the stars in […]
A new study highlights the secondhand effects of drinking, arguing that higher taxation could curb problems.
Electron-positron or proton-proton colliders are all the rage. But the unstable muon might be the key to unlocking the next frontier. If you want to probe the frontiers of fundamental […]
At high tide each night, bright lights predict the underwater future.