Will we ever unravel the mystery of consciousness? Two academics made a 25-year bet on it. The scientist lost.
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You searched for: Structure
Joseph Campbell argued that nearly every myth can be boiled down to a hero’s journey. Was he right?
Intentions tend to get mangled by overreach in every complex organization — so dial up the charisma and the clarity.
Smarter building materials can control indoor temperatures without external power.
Quantum wormholes are mathematically possible — but might also be physically impossible. Physicist Janna Levin explains Hawking’s famous information paradox.
12 min
Out beyond Neptune are some fascinating bodies left over from our Solar System’s formation. Could one of them truly be spectacular?
The cathedral is being explored as never before.
If the “self” is not real, then we are slaves to a billiard ball universe, trapped in a nihilistic nightmare in which we cannot change our fate.
These high-mass, rapidly star-forming galaxies have called modern cosmology into question. But hi-res simulations show no tension at all.
If the electromagnetic and weak forces unify to make the electroweak force, maybe, at higher energies, something even grander happens?
The future belongs to complexity.
Artificial intelligence can forecast the behavior of viruses and quickly make vaccines to thwart them.
If atoms are mostly empty space, then why can’t two objects made of atoms simply pass through each other? Quantum physics explains why.
Galaxies don’t simply feed their central supermassive black holes, but the activity generated inside affects the entire galaxy and more.
If you said “with the Big Bang,” congratulations: that was our best answer as of ~1979. Here’s what we’ve learned in all the time since.
Heart muscle is shaped like a spiral, a mystery that has eluded scientists since 1669. New research has recreated the structure.
This first-of-its-kind image offers a detailed look at the magnetic fields within the Central Molecular Zone.
They have held our fascination ever since we first identified their remains.
This episode explores how tailored learning programs, microlearning, and management tools help engage a diverse workforce, from retail staff to middle managers. Learn how to create impactful learning experiences that meet employees where they are, enhancing both development and leadership across the organization.
While one may be helpful, the other may be harmful.
“Rational vaccinology” could lead to effective cancer vaccines.
Every organization has a power block of dutiful but unappreciated talent. Here’s an effective plan for engagement.
Male inequality — the enormous cultural shift happening right under our nose.
15 min
Our Universe requires dark matter in order to make sense of things, astrophysically. Could massive photons do the trick?
The lithium-ion alternatives could help create a safer, greener future.
Quantum uncertainty and wave-particle duality are big features of quantum physics. But without Pauli’s rule, our Universe wouldn’t exist.
Smaller family networks, more great-grandparents, and fewer cousins.
Symmetrical objects are less complex than non-symmetrical ones. Perhaps evolution acts as an algorithm with a bias toward simplicity.
What worked before won’t necessarily work this time — and the best leaders will adapt.
The bots started as windpipe cells, yet they helped nerve cells repair and grow.