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ChatGPT’s capabilities are astonishing.
Is the Universe finite or infinite? Does it go on forever or loop back on itself? Here’s what would happen if you traveled forever.
Gamification, minimalist design, using AI to track behavior — this article dives into these and other key ways to optimize an eLearning strategy.
Is the physical universe independent from us, or is it created by our minds, as suggested by scientist Robert Lanza?
Considering the perspectives of others has important benefits for individuals and for society. There is one easy way to do it.
Almost 10% of all new jobs created between 2020 and 2030 will unfortunately be some of the lowest paid.
Gravitational waves carry enormous amounts of energy, but spread out quickly once they leave the source. Could they ever create black holes?
These salamanders are helping unlock the mysteries of brain evolution and regeneration.
A competency framework is a way to align individual performance with organizational goals. Read on to learn how.
Shortly after planet Earth formed, life took a permanent hold on our surface. But just how common is such an outcome?
Research suggests that to maintain a healthy brain, we should tend our gut microbiome.
An experiment in rats suggests that gene editing may be a treatment for anxiety and alcoholism in adults who were exposed to binge-drinking in their adolescence.
It’s 2024, and we still only know of the fundamental particles of the Standard Model: nothing more. But these 8 unanswered questions remain.
Einstein’s relativity teaches us that time isn’t absolute, but passes relatively for everyone. So how do telescopes see back through time?
Nearly 200 orbital launches are scheduled for 2022.
“All moments past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist.”
Did fire change the development of the human brain?
“The Soul of a New Machine” provides a rare level of insight into the minds and decisions of humanity’s greatest thinkers.
Parasites aren’t limited to just worms and ticks. Even some plants like to feed off others — and they perhaps could help fight invasive species.
We frequently say it’s 2.725 K: from the light left over all the way from the Big Bang. But that’s not all that’s in the Universe.
Types of therapy are about as different as the people who use it.
The same brain differences that contribute to left-handedness also contribute to psychotic disorders. But there’s a bright side.
When you don’t have enough clues to bring your detective story to a close, you should expect that your educated guesses will all be wrong.
What if we could harvest energy from human heat, sweat, or vibrations?
Adolescents actively shape the transformation of religion and become the bearers of new religious patterns, worldviews, and values.
The crisis of the Anthropocene challenges our traditional narratives and myths about humanity’s place in the world. Citizen science can help.
Could we all attain this superpower?
We have very specific predictions for how particles ought to decay. When we look at B-mesons all together, something vital doesn’t add up.