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Understanding how to digitally communicate is an undeniably essential tool. There’s no opting out. So much of how we connect today, in our business and personal lives, even our dating, […]
The loudest and largest generation in history, the baby boomers, are older. Their numbers and needs will place unprecedented demands on aging services in a time of workforce shortages and […]
Peter Singer:  There’s been an enormous amount of changing forces on warfare in the twenty-first century.  And they range from new actors in war like private contractors, the black waters […]
What created this hole on Mars? And why are researchers so excited about it? From NASA’s website: The hole appears to be an opening to an underground cavern, partly illuminated […]
What is a sunset like on Mars? The image and question may seem like something out of The Little Prince. Luckily, NASA’s robotic rover Spirit, sent to the “Red Planet” […]
In 1612, Galileo was shocked as to why Saturn’s “appendages” had disappeared. It wasn’t until later that century that the mystery was solved: Saturn has rings, and when Earth crosses […]
As I’ve said before, my home away from home is Panera Bread.  It has a fireplace with real gas logs, couches, and a leisurely and rather personal environment.  It’s a […]
This could be a photograph snapped during a family vacation to the Grand Canyon. These are the tire-tracks of the car-sized Mars rover Curiosity. NASA reports that the future Pixar […]
“I make hands,” the young man said nonchalantly.  Standing in the middle of a crowd of robotics researchers and developers, he introduced himself. I must admit the phrase and the […]
Google’s recent purchase of the defense contractor Boston Dynamics has raised eyebrows, and also brought the inevitable – if overblown – comparisons between Google and Skynet. 
The lunar landing represents a significant milestone for China’s space program. China sent its first astronaut to space in 2003.
The 2011 Tōhoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami killed thousands of people and damaged more than one million buildings, including the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant. The initial crisis of rebuilding […]
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