From Richard Branson, who began his storied career as a magazine editor, to the Columbian Journalism School, which boasts 40 start ups launched by former students, the two fields are closely related.
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You searched for: Richard Hoffman
Corey Milne of doesn’t think ‘feminism’ belongs in video games – alongside sex, BDSM, infanticide and so on. As a man, whenever someone mentions feminism I reply with a […]
Thanks to the recent Citizens United Supreme Court decision, this campaign season will be flush with unprecedented amounts of cash, risking future corruption, says jurist Richard Posner.
The following is an upcoming post for It riffs on themes I discussed in my previous post on humor. If you have not already, check out There’s great […]
On Tuesday, April 4th, 2012, we had the pleasure of interviewing Richard Tafel, human rights activist and founder of the policy advocacy organizations The Log Cabin Republicans and The Public […]
In a whirlwind interview, Chomsky explains how Richard Nixon is a left-wing radical, how the ultimate expression of science is art and what climate change has to do with communism.
At what point do the competitive business practices of higher education cut against the public good it is intended to serve? The nation’s system of student loans needs reform.
While scientists jump to answer this notoriously difficult question, scientific observation is not well suited to finding the cosmic will that the question implies. This stumper is better left alone.
For Washington, DC readers, Politics & Prose will be hosting a book event Sunday, June 10 at 1pm relevant to many of the themes discussed at this blog. Details below. America the […]
Richard Dawkins, the most famous “atheist” on the planet, has argued “the existence of God is a scientific hypothesis like any other.”
William Shakespeare: Playwright, language innovator, father of product placement
Remember the 1960s? It was a decade so radical that even the President of the United States could publically declare that public funding of contraceptives would increase economic prosperity. Lyndon […]
A new meme is emerging in the blogosphere: Obama as the “imperial president.” From the left, Tom Egelhardt claims Obama “has the powers previously associated with the gods” while Steve […]
As anyone who knows me is aware, I’m generally a peaceful and diplomatic fellow. I’m not one to pick fights just for the hell of it. But that said, I’m […]
A new book, Coming Apart by Charles Murphy, cites statistics that suggest the class divide in America is growing. But why? And what to do about it? Gary Becker and Richard Posner weigh in.
“Philosopher” is one of those job descriptions in America that brings inevitable jokes about unemployability. Carlin Romano’s new book, America the Philosophical, aims at transforming the Rodney Dangerfield of academic […]
Census data comparing population growth patterns between 2006 and 2011 show that urban sprawl is on the decline and that greater population density creates more economic opportunities.
Jonah Lehrer’s post at The New Yorker details some worrying research on cognition and thinking through biases, indicating that “intelligence seems to make [such] things worse.” This is because, as […]
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson claims the title “scientist” above all other “ists.” And yet, he says he is “constantly claimed by atheists.” So where does he stand? “Neil deGrasse, widely claimed by atheists, is actually an agnostic.”
My Google news alert has been flooded with stories about the Reason Rally this week, and quite a few of them come from religious organizations expressing their own viewpoints about […]
Every May brings with it a new crop of college graduation speeches. This spring, few (maybe none) were as though-provoking as multimedia artist Laurie Anderson’s at the School of Visual […]
We all have something about the world we want to see changed in our lifetimes. Here’s how you can go about doing it, starting today.
University students and private companies are racing to build the first private spacecraft to land on the moon. Google and the X Prize Foundation are offering $20 million to the winner.
Anne-Marie Slaughter’s new piece in The Atlantic about how women cannot “have it all” has provoked a wave of commentary, but none that I have seen has mentioned the article’s […]
On September 30, 2011, The New York Times reported that the C.I.A. had killed a fundamentalist iman named Anwar al-Awlaki in a drone strike over Yemen. Heralding the strike, President […]
Richard Marshall of 3:AM interviews the philosopher Eddie Nahmias about his work on free will. Everyone who would prefer not to be trapped in a thicket of confusion about free […]
A new report by the Pew Global Attitudes Project reinforces the widespread judgment that America is in decline. It observes that “perceptions of China’s economic power continue to grow” among […]
Perhaps the government agency should take some advice from the Bard himself. “Brevity is the soul of wit,” says Polonius, a longwinded fool who was unable to follow his own advice.
LONDON, February 22 – It’s been a rough week for Richard Dawkins, prominent evolutionary biologist and noted God-hater. Our reporters can reveal that on Monday, while Dawkins was ordering breakfast […]