If the past is any guide, things are going to take off quickly.
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Dr. Tyson explains where we might find aliens, why “dark matter” is a misleading term, and why you can blame physics for your favorite team’s loss.
Shortly after planet Earth formed, life took a permanent hold on our surface. But just how common is such an outcome?
By the end of this decade, Seabed 2030 wants to produce accurate maps for the remaining 80 percent of the ocean floor.
Long before Christopher and Magellan, ancient explorers voyaged into the unknown and brought home extraordinary tales.
It’s early days, but if the efforts can be efficiently scaled-up, such biological recycling could put a dent in the plastic waste problem.
Descartes broke from the European philosophers who preceded him and devised a new way of considering humanity and the world.
The mountain can generate lenticular clouds, which may contribute to its supernatural reputation.
Yorkicystis lived during the “Cambrian explosion,” 539 million to 485 million years ago – hundreds of million years before the dinosaurs.
Since dark matter eludes detection, the mission will target sources of light that are sensitive to it.
Scientists look to erupted sea glass — lava that erupted in the ocean and was instantly chilled by the surrounding water — to take Earth’s temperature.
Try this: It’s about 10 times the number of cups of water in all the oceans of Earth.
Researchers estimate there may be as many as ten million trillion trillion phages on Earth — that’s 10 with 30 zeros after it.
In one experiment, the Viking landers added water to Martian soil samples. That might have been a very bad idea.
The world’s great whales aren’t just vulnerable where they congregate, but everywhere they roam.
Russia has long sought to erase the mere idea of Ukraine. But people like my grandmother, born in Druzhkivka, will not let Russia win.
From surviving on wild plants and game to controlling our world with technology, humanity’s journey of progress is a story of expanding human agency.
Learning to decode complex communication on Earth may give us a leg up if intelligent life from space makes contact.
“Uitwaaien” is a popular activity around Amsterdam—one believed to have important psychological benefits.
To date, only one research vessel has ever encountered a milky sea.
Water is vital for life. Luckily for spacefaring humans, the solar system is full of it.
The spikes in their mouths would have helped them catch squid or fish.
The authors call it “wildly theoretical” — but let’s take a look, anyway.
Even if you or I will never actually visit these distant worlds, we now know they exist. They should fill us with wonder.
For better and worse, the Columbian Exchange plugged the Americas into the global system — and there was no going back.
The weirdest thing about the 21 feet found near Vancouver since 2007? Foul play has been ruled out.
The Russian mindset is characterized by cynicism and distrust.
Research sheds light on social behavior of these mysterious predators.