The Regional Cabled Observatory — the largest of its kind — will use underwater sensors and cables to transmit many different kinds of data about the northeast Pacific Ocean.
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A plastic pollution survey of the Great Lakes revealed that three of the five contain dangerously high concentrations of “perfectly spherical plastic balls” of the type found in face and body scrubs.
There’s much to criticise about this map of Pangea [1], but in spite of the geological anachronisms, it’s hard to tear your eyes away from it. The map shows a […]
Always paddle back out, because it is the only way you’ll ever get that next wave.
Plastic? Where to start! It’s now the number one form of ocean debris, and muscled its way up the food chain, starting, of course, with hungry microbes. Recent research confirmed […]
What a surfer’s story can teach us about the promises we make to ourselves about the future.
The world faces a difficult task in brining energy to poor populations while mitigating the effects of climate change, which is why creating innovative energy programs must be a global priority.
Geoengineering or climate engineering refers to humans taking larger action to slow down climate change or even reverse it.
No snark, no sarcasm, no judgement, just the genuine, honest answers to 22 creationist messages. “In science it often happens that scientists say, ‘You know that’s a really good argument; […]
Over the past sixty years, the global birth rate has steadily declined with clockwork consistency.
Marine biology professor David Smith and his students spent a total of 15 hours participating in lectures held 18 meters below the surface of the ocean. Sophisticated audio technology allowed them to interact with each other.
A new paper outlines the problems involved in relocating communities that are losing their land to climate change, and warns that other coastal areas could find themselves in the same position.
That’s the most optimistic date presented by the US military, assuming current research continues. Earlier this month, an Air Force experimental aircraft hit a top speed of Mach 5.1.
It’s the morning of Wednesday, 13 September 1939. In an America supremely at peace, newspapers hit front lawns with headlines screaming of war. The horrific conflict splashed across the front […]
What the average person in the Westernized world considers to be a big problem is rarely aligned with reality.
“We can’t afford it!” Insert the frothing face of the Republican congressperson of your choice above that phrase and you have a pretty comprehensive picture of the current debate in […]
The icy surface of this Jupiter moon hides a vast body of liquid that most scientists believe is water. Thanks to improved spectrometry, they now believe that that water may be salty.
A paradox of selling technology in the 21st century is that it’s often more difficult to convince users that they need the latest gadget, even if that gadget is more […]
Where were you when you first learned that there are plastic landfills the size of continents floating in our oceans? What should have been a wake-up call hasn’t slowed the […]
You know how sometimes when you put your foot in your mouth and say something really stupid, you try to recover but only stammer out something even dumber and […]
A study published in this week’s Science provides the clearest proof yet that a series of volcanic eruptions wiped out half of Earth’s animal and plant species prior to the dinosaur era.
Extreme weather trends combined with a rapidly growing urban population. What is happening and what can we do about it?
It could mean an end to rising energy costs caused in part by the almost-complete shutdown of the country’s nuclear energy program. However, its effects on the environment are still unknown.
Biologists have begun to discover just what a treasure trove the oceans’ coral reefs are in terms of finding potential cures to some of humanity’s worst diseases, despite threats to the reefs’ existence.
The hagfish produces a substance that consists of very thin, strong and stretchy fibers. Scientists believe lab-created simulations could eventually be woven into thin and flexible garments, and provide a sustainable alternative to synthetic fabrics.
This is becoming the central paradox of the Information Age: the easier it is for humans to create content and information on their digital devices, the more likely it is […]
We have to think, not just seven generations ahead – we have to think thousands of years ahead.
Just as religion informed the dawn of civilized man, so too do these 21st century stories act as a shield – protecting our sanity from an overwhelming sensation of entropic change. We are trying to find the signal in the noise. But increasingly, the noise is becoming louder and louder. It’s like this treadmill we’re running on has reached a speed we can’t keep up with. Today’s prowess Kairos is being pushed into yesterday’s fleeting Chronos. It’s a collision of dizzying proportions… everything happens now.
By genetically modifying a unique microorganism, researchers have discovered a way to turn atmospheric carbon dioxide directly into useful industrial products. Their find could lead to the creation of biofuels that “remove plants as the middleman.”
After her uterus nearly erupted, Vyckie Garrison was rushed to the hospital to give birth to her seventh child. The emergency caesarean section nearly killed her. Her doctor warned the […]