As the Arctic ice continues to melt due to rising global temperatures, Russia is aggressively pursuing new trading routes.
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The NOAA visualization below depicts a giant plume of dust moving off the coast of Africa.
If stars, planets, and biological processes are so common in the Universe, then where is everyone? “If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens… Where Is Everybody?”–Stephen Webb As egocentric as […]
Drifting in the deep, the hulking, yet streamlined mammoth unleashes a string of sound, a booming, but delicate song.
Scientists are growing more confident that Jupiter’s moon could harbor life. The problem: Getting through its thick ice crust to the watery ocean beneath.
To coincide with the Discovery Channel’s annual “Shark Week” series, Nova Southeastern University has launched a Web site that allows visitors to follow specially-tagged sharks as they swim around the world.
The foul distinction belongs to ancient cousins of ours: cyanobacteria.
This image was taken with a 50 mm lens by members of Expedition 36 aboard the International Space Station, the latest in a series of stunning images released to the public.
If we scaled the entire Universe’s history from the Big Bang until now to be “one Universe year,” what would our future look like? “The way to love anything is to […]
Due to the popularity of SmallSats, industry and government agencies have come aboard the SmallSat bus. However this attention has shed light on a major obstacle: the challenge of getting those SmallSats to space in a responsive and cost-effective manner.
Although the agency refuses to confirm it, the CIA is helping to fund a study that will determine how and whether tinkering with the climate could impact national health, not to mention security.
Long assumed to be a sterile environment, Lake Vostok may very well host a living ecosystem, according to a new study. If life exists there, it may exist on other planets with similar conditions.
Researchers speculate that the forest, located just off the coast of Alabama, was buried under sediment for over 50,000 years before being revealed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
Ganymede and Europa have many of the conditions that could support life as we know it. We’ll find out if and when an internationally-sponsored probe — Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or JUICE — gets there in 2030.
The Suomi NPP satellite has created the highest-resolution map of the world’s vegetation to date. Not surprisingly, there’s more greenery, thanks to carbon emissions.
The Regional Cabled Observatory — the largest of its kind — will use underwater sensors and cables to transmit many different kinds of data about the northeast Pacific Ocean.
A plastic pollution survey of the Great Lakes revealed that three of the five contain dangerously high concentrations of “perfectly spherical plastic balls” of the type found in face and body scrubs.
Always paddle back out, because it is the only way you’ll ever get that next wave.
There’s much to criticise about this map of Pangea [1], but in spite of the geological anachronisms, it’s hard to tear your eyes away from it. The map shows a […]
Plastic? Where to start! It’s now the number one form of ocean debris, and muscled its way up the food chain, starting, of course, with hungry microbes. Recent research confirmed […]
What a surfer’s story can teach us about the promises we make to ourselves about the future.
The world faces a difficult task in brining energy to poor populations while mitigating the effects of climate change, which is why creating innovative energy programs must be a global priority.
Geoengineering or climate engineering refers to humans taking larger action to slow down climate change or even reverse it.
No snark, no sarcasm, no judgement, just the genuine, honest answers to 22 creationist messages. “In science it often happens that scientists say, ‘You know that’s a really good argument; […]
Over the past sixty years, the global birth rate has steadily declined with clockwork consistency.
Marine biology professor David Smith and his students spent a total of 15 hours participating in lectures held 18 meters below the surface of the ocean. Sophisticated audio technology allowed them to interact with each other.
A new paper outlines the problems involved in relocating communities that are losing their land to climate change, and warns that other coastal areas could find themselves in the same position.
That’s the most optimistic date presented by the US military, assuming current research continues. Earlier this month, an Air Force experimental aircraft hit a top speed of Mach 5.1.
It’s the morning of Wednesday, 13 September 1939. In an America supremely at peace, newspapers hit front lawns with headlines screaming of war. The horrific conflict splashed across the front […]
What the average person in the Westernized world considers to be a big problem is rarely aligned with reality.