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1. Authentic Self is achievable through the psychological examination of subconscious paradigms.
2. Perpetuated societal norms are the cause of subconscious paradigms.
3. Psychological examination of an individual does not adress over all causation.
4. Addressing the overall causation is preferable to treating individual cases.
The basketball and hip-hop culture fusion born in 1984 that is known now as The “Dunkadelic-Era” In America, 1984-Present. The “Dunkadelic-Era” is celebrating its 25th Anniversary during the year 2009 (1984-2009).
Albert Einstein once opined, “you can’t solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” How then, can we begin to cure our global economic ailments using the same […]
Europe has wisdom, sense, spirits and a good virtue. Yet, it appears that she disorderly managed valuable values.
It is the time now to reinvent these and to work together on widening and deepening, due to believes in our prosperity and welfare.
I normally would ask for a show of hands of who thinks their health insurance works for them and who knows how healthcare works and how it’s going.