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Image credit: © 2015 MotorTrend Magazine, via How gravity teaches us that the mountains we see extend far underground. “Journalists often ask me when I go to the field, […]
Saw “Solar System Questions” by xkcd? Here’s what science thinks it knows. “Put two ships in the open sea, without wind or tide, and, at last, they will come together. […]
How an experiment high above Antarctica — Spider — sheds new light on the cosmic microwave background. Observations of the cosmic microwave background continue to capture public attention, highlighted these last few weeks in […]
Human beings have incredible pattern-recognition abilities, which drive us to make meaningful connections across a vast array of information. Through its free exchange of information and capacity to reach a […]
How Worlds Thought in the 1960s to be Circling Barnard’s Star Turned out to be Illusions. Image via: In this golden age of exoplanet discovery, it is hard to […]
Every letter holds a special story for those who marvel at the Universe. “When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off.” –Vanna White […]
I’ve written a guest post over at Dean Burnett’s Guardian Science blog about an important piece of information that is not getting through to people who have had brain injuries. See […]