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You searched for: Doctor Tell

This serious and thoughtful—and maybe great—film is quite the labor of love.  It’s a film about broken families and broken lives made by the father-and-son team of Martin Sheen and Emilio […]
The fascinating billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel (a Facebook guy, the PayPal guy etc.) seems to be carrying the day against the educational establishment in answering this question negatively. He’s teamed up […]
College in a Nutskull is a wickedly entertaining collection of bloopers from college students’ exam books. It includes this gem of unwitting brilliance about post-millennial marriage: “By being intelligent and […]
College in a Nutskull is a wickedly entertaining collection of bloopers from college students’ exam books. It includes this gem of unwitting brilliance about post-millennial marriage: “By being intelligent and […]
The Wikipedia gap I don’t know about you, but when I hire someone, or go to the doctor or the architect or an engineer, I could care less about how […]