An Oxford University study looked at how susceptible jobs are to computerization, and found that “about 47 percent of total US employment is at risk.”
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The future of humanity depends on it. “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach […]
The negative consequences of conducting relationships at arm’s length, round-the-clock, and simultaneously, and only with those who reinforce one’s worldview.
Tech research firm Gartner has coined the phrase “citizen developer” to describe the growing number of programmers whose skills came from outside the university environment.
By entering a Twitter or Instagram handle, Ready or Not displays data showing where its user has been and what information they sent out. It was built as part of a project titled “Teaching Privacy” that targets high schoolers.
SpaceX founder Elon Musk reveals a rocket design by using an interactive ‘Iron Man’-like computer interface that responds to his gestures.
Within the field of artificial intelligence, a new Japanese initiative promises to further blur the line between human and machine. A group of AI researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics just […]
Researchers have come up with a printing process involving a special silver-based conductive ink that can deposit itself to paper. For home hobbyists, it could bridge the gap between a plastic casing and a working electronic device.
An MIT scientist has succeeded in creating mini-cubes that have no external parts yet are able to move and assemble themselves into larger shapes. Possible applications include repairing damaged buildings and exploring dangerous terrain.
Neuroscientists have taught a computer program how pixels from brain scans correspond to individual pixels in letters of the alphabet.
Released today (Sept. 27) after an all-night session, the summary document of the UN panel’s forthcoming report declares that the proof of climate change is “unequivocal” and that human activity is “extremely likely” to be at fault.
Here is what would make a quantum computer so powerful.
While the raw computational power of the brain declines with age, new studies have found that intelligence increases with maturity.
100 years ago, we thought the Milky Way was the full extent of the Universe, containing everything. Now, we know we’re just one of many. But how many? “The human mind […]
Eric Siegel on IBM’s Watson: This is the first time I’ve ever had the feeling and the impulse to say, “You know what? That’s intelligent.”
My prediction is, in a few decades, we will come to accept entities that are not biological as conscious.
We are gaining the capability to create products that mimic how a brain works.
5 min
A new image editing method will have graphic designers cheering and weeping in equal measure. The new technique lets you take a two-dimensional image, and with as little as three […]
Scientists have succeeded in creating conditions that cause photons, which don’t have mass, to behave like molecules, which do. The interactions between them resemble those that might happen with two lightsabers, and could help advance quantum computing.
Whether we concede it or not, humanity longs for its cosmic significant other.
At the Black Hat security conference later this month, two Spanish engineers plan to demonstrate a $25 gadget that can take over a car’s electronics.
Clean Lahore was created in response to a 2011 epidemic that sickened 20,000. Along with a dedicated public health campaign, the app helps officials monitor all efforts to stop the disease’s spread.
A few weeks ago Mayor of London Boris Johnson said some questionable things about IQ tests and the benefits of greed, income inequality and shaking boxes of cornflakes. Dorothy Bishop wrote an […]
If it runs Android, you can install an app, created by designers at the University of California-Berkeley, that will let the phone crunch data during downtime.
A Quebec designer set up an installation that combines a standard “For Rent” sign with a surveillance camera, computer software, and a motorized track.
Guest post by Kevin Flora In a recent podcast, the discussion was focused around inventions. The question was asked, “have all of the good inventions already been invented?” The answer […]
The public gains made by AI, such as beating chess champions and winning Jeopardy tournaments, have ironically also demonstrated its limits.
Once upon a time, a car was an industrial machine you climbed in and drove around. Today, it’s also a tracking and nudging machine that second-guesses you for your own […]
Can computers learn the same way a children learns? Yes. We are starting to tap into the power of cognitive computing.
Not because winning could turn you into a literal fat cat: Research suggests that simply buying tickets leads to materialistic thoughts followed by diminished self-restraint in the here and now.