Researchers have found a way to shrink the size of the medical lab to the size of a microchip, using advances from nanotechnology to pave the way for radically new […]
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Researchers fear that computer acceleration is about to meet its limits. Constantly increasing the number of transistors on chips could require too much power to run economically.
From all of us here at Big Think, Happy 70th birthday, Stephen! If you had only been one of the smartest humans ever, it would have been enough – but you’re something much bigger than that: a model of how to live.
A new tool interrupts the ‘infinite loops’ that cause computer hang-ups, letting users save data and finish tasks before restarting a stalled program.
Eric Marcos says: Let them touch the computer. That’s how the world changed for me, for all of us. If you give kids a little bit of trust and let […]
Steve Jobs, former chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, told Stanford University graduates three stories about connecting the dots, love and death. “Remembering […]
“By honoring the lives of those we admire, we make our own values known. Perhaps more clearly than words ever could.” -Steve Jobs This is hardly the most well-known Steve […]
(The following piece was written Sunday evening. There is news since then about what might have led to the sinking, news that chillingly bears out the thoughts offered in the […]
Google’s director of research, Alfred Spector, explains why artificial intelligence is crucial to the search company’s future in areas like natural language, machine learning and speech recognition.
A new microchip made by researchers at I.B.M. is a landmark. Unlike an ordinary chip, it mimics the functioning of a biological brain, which could open new possibilities in computation.
The big issue for reporters, editors, and publishers isn’t automated text generation. It’s the explosion of free human-authored content on the Web.
Ray Kurzweil is an expert at predicting the future. In tracking our progress in the technological-evolutionary journey, Kurzweil has identified six epochs, each of which is characterized by a major paradigm shift.
Researchers at Tel Aviv University have given a rat an artificial brain part—the cerebellum—thereby ushering in the era of true brain-to-computer communication for humans.
Here’s a statement that I’m getting really tired of hearing: “We didn’t have computers when I was in school and I turned out okay. There’s no reason why kids today […]
Innovation – everyone says they want it, but when it’s time to personally embrace it and change what they do everyday there is often reluctance, if not outright resistance. In […]
The gap between controlling an artificial limb and feeling a physical touch has been bridged via a virtual prosthetic hand that monkeys were able to control using only their minds.
The next year in tech will be all about the cloud, i.e. building connections between P.C. and post-P.C. devices, whether phones, tablets, game consoles, e-readers or Roombas.
With all of modern computing’s storage capacity, we are forgetting how to remember. We instead remember how to access information but is something uniquely human being lost?
The new experimental “brain chips” developed by researchers at IBM and DARPA represent a fundamental breakthrough in computing power. If these brain chips are ever commercialized, they would make possible what are essentially thinking, artificial brains.
The urge to predict is understandable. We forecast the future, and continue to do so even after repeated mistakes, because of the deep psychological need for a sense of control, to keep ourselves safe.
In today’s article I would like to share a video of my old friend Jon Bischke who recently gave a talk on TEDxManhattanBeach about his thoughts on combining the Learning […]
For Strauss Zelnick, the tablet computer represents a kind of Singularity – a convergence of media and productivity into a single, highly portable, optimally viewable platform.
Information technology consultant Scott Bils says cloud computing and the ubiquity of mobile devices are reorienting the role of workplace technology officers toward business.
Now you can get a close-up glimpse of the Dead Sea Scrolls, those ancient manuscripts penned by a small Jewish sect, with a few keystrokes on your personal computer.
“We are at the cusp of a revolution in medicine and biotechnology that will radically increase not just our life spans but also, and more importantly, our health spans,” says Sonia Arrison, author of 100: How the Coming Age of Longevity Will Change Everything.
The U.S. Army is crazy for apps and incoming Chief of Staff Ray Odierno may soon decide whether to require soldiers to carry smartphones as a standard piece of gear.
The British nonprofit group Raspberry Pi aims to inspire young programmers with a desktop computer so inexpensive that schools could hand them out to students free of charge.
A pair of Australian computer engineers is working to improve touch screen typing so the experience more closely parallels the touch typing that laptop and P.C. users are used to.
At the time of his arrest by the FBI in 1995, Kevin Mitnick was the most wanted hacker in America. Today Kevin continues his hacking adventures legally, as a computer security expert.
In the 21st century, biology will usher in advances in regenerative medicine. Stem cells will be at the center of discovery and application in that new field.