Alibaba has played a key role in China’s meteoric economic rise.
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Restflix has over 20 personalized channels for optimal sleep.
Just 13.8 billion years after the hot Big Bang, we can see 46.1 billion light-years away in all directions. Doesn’t that violate…something?
Previous research suggesting it’s all about prolactin may be missing the mark.
Our ancestral cousins far more intelligent than we credit them for, and they did things most of us cannot.
The sudden prevalence of an artery in the forearm is evidence that we’re still very much a work in progress.
Everything is made of matter, not antimatter, including black holes. If antimatter black holes existed, what would they do?
Even a year like 2020 couldn’t prepare Americans for the first few weeks of 2021. The year’s opening act was a siege on the U.S. Capitol by a mob of […]
How should we think about the tension between opening the economy back up and preserving public health?
The mediocrity principle is often used to make claims about the abundance of life across the universe, but these claims are likely unfounded.
Preferring “bases not places,” the U.S. does not really resemble the empires of old.
Dennis Klatt developed trailblazing text-to-speech systems before losing his own voice to cancer.
When you bring two fingers together, you can feel them “touch” each other. But are your atoms really touching, and if so, how?
Research shows that those who spend more time speaking tend to emerge as the leaders of groups, regardless of their intelligence.
Pencil Kings will guide you from beginner to mastery with industry-leading teachers from Marvel and DreamWorks.
If used improperly, the metaverse could be more divisive than social media and an insidious threat to society and even reality itself.
Science is an ongoing flirtation with the unknown.
There’s an extra source of massive “stuff” in our Universe beyond what gravitation and normal matter can explain. Could light be the answer?
Those bananas you love are Cavendish bananas, and they’re probably about to go extinct.
The ten greatest ideas in science form the bedrock of modern biology, chemistry, and physics. Everyone should be familiar with them.
This article has been retracted.
If stars don’t go supernova at first, they can get a second chance after becoming a white dwarf. But can their companions survive?
The stars stood no chance against the more-massive black holes.
Great genius is not born of lightning bolt-like moments of inspiration. In reality, perseverance plays the biggest role.
Two famous Italian design companies joined forces to create this masterpiece.
This everyday electrical phenomenon had no widely accepted scientific explanation — perhaps, until now.
For some reason, when we talk about the age of stars, galaxies, and the Universe, we use “years” to measure time. Can we do better?
Continuing the countdown, Big Think’s seventh most popular video of 2019 explains why universal basic income will hurt the 99%, and make the 1% even richer.
5 min
Our lives have been transformed by the coronavirus pandemic. How can we successfully adapt to the new demands and rules of a society that is sheltering in place? What can […]