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You searched for: Big Think
Black holes encode information on their surfaces, but evaporate away into Hawking radiation. Is that information preserved, and if so, how?
If our goal is to effect the greatest possible progress, what would it look like to approach this holistically? What might need to dispositionaly in how we approach solving our most important problems—at an individual level, a community level, or at a civilizational or global one? We asked our experts to think big picture about how what new thinking would be required to create a larger pro-progress framework.
Some fascinating observations of K2-18b have come along with horrendous, speculative communications. There’s no evidence for oceans or life.
The Universe is 13.8 billion years old, going back to the hot Big Bang. But was that truly the beginning, and is that truly its age?
Dark matter’s hallmark is that it gravitates, but shows no sign of interacting under any other force. Does that mean we’ll never detect it?
Time is relative, not absolute, as gravity and motion both cause time to dilate. Your head and feet, therefore, don’t age at the same rate.
Being more creative doesn’t require a ‘Muse.’ It’s about pairing intelligence and imagination.
We know more about the universe than what is beneath our feet. But Earth’s mantle holds subtle clues about our planet’s past.
Metaphors like the Great Chain of Being can lead people to misunderstand evolution and humanity’s place in the web of life.
You really can get by with a little help from your friends — if you also look beyond your personal to-do list.
Research has found that words are more accurately heard when accompanied by hand gestures.
For extraordinary long-term success in business we can look to insights from British Olympic cycling, Roger Federer and neuroeconomics.
Our intuitive understanding of time is very different from a physicist’s understanding of time. How do we reconcile these views?
Ancient helium-3 from the dawn of time leaks from the Earth, offering clues to our planet’s formation. A key question is where it leaks from.
As Abraham Lincoln famously said, “If you want to test a man’s character, give him power and a plate of cookies.” (Something like that.)
The tech world’s fixation on artificial intelligence has spawned beliefs and rituals that resemble religion — complete with digital deities, moral codes, and threats of damnation.
“The Da Vinci Code” popularized the idea that Christians stole much of their theology. It’s wrong, especially regarding Christmas.
50 years ago, Herman Chernoff proposed using human faces to represent multidimensional datasets. It was a good idea in theory — but a disaster in practice.
Is it like a tiny ball — or what?
Self-help often distills philosophical ideas for the modern ear. Sometimes, its better to go back to the source.
We may be the last generation born not knowing if we are alone in the Universe.
Neuroscientist and author Bobby Azarian explores the idea that the Universe is a self-organizing system that evolves and learns.
In the expanding Universe, different ways of measuring its rate give incompatible answers. Nobel Laureate Adam Riess explains what it means.
When you combine the Uncertainty Principle with Einstein’s famous equation, you get a mind-blowing result: Particles can come from nothing.
Colors can influence your emotions and behaviors, but “color psychology” yields no real insight into your personality.
Not all stress is created equal.
Catastrophes are difficult to predict because they are so rare. But AI using active learning can make predictions from very small data sets.
This isn’t America’s first rodeo with monkeypox. In 2003, the virus swept across America thanks to a shipment of exotic animals.
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