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If music is a window onto truth, what does screaming reveal?
Welcome to the 13.8 relaunch, a new Big Think column led by physicists and friends Adam Frank and Marcelo Gleiser.
The simulation hypothesis is fun to talk about, but believing it requires an act of faith.
The “Shopping Cart Litmus Test” is a popular meme about morality. What does it really reveal about one’s character?
These 10 best practices can help organizations develop high-quality and engaging training videos for employees.
Synthetic biology has the power to cure and kill. Have we learned from our past mistakes?
Women have made incredible gains into STEM fields, but they continue to face gender biases in the workplace.
Mixed messages and competing interests have left college students feeling lost and stressed.
Science cannot help us understand or describe first-person experience. Zen koans are a powerful form for helping us reach that description.
Each year, over half a million migrants cross the deadly jungle separating Colombia from Panama in search of a better life in the United States.
Half a century ago, idealistic punks shook a fist at the status quo — and their legacy is a blueprint for modern leadership.
Is science close to explaining everything about our Universe? Physicist Sabine Hossenfelder reacts.
5 min
The power of play: our forgotten lifehack.
A few key moments are linked to significant shifts in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) will have a light-collecting power 10 times greater than today’s best telescope.
Psychopathic tendencies may be present to some extent in all of us. New research is reframing this often sensationalized and maligned set of traits and finding some positive twists.
In the early stages of the hot Big Bang, there were only free protons and neutrons: no atomic nuclei. How did the first elements form from them?
The cycles of life all rely on the dynamism of the Earth’s crust.
If you think everyone around you is terrible, the joke may be on you.
From time-traveling billiard balls to information-destroying black holes, the world’s got plenty of puzzles that are hard to wrap your head around.
There are many things that separate science from ideology, politics, philosophy, or religion. Follow these 10 commandments to get it right.
Learning to decode complex communication on Earth may give us a leg up if intelligent life from space makes contact.
Talking to yourself seems to yield real benefits, from boosts in cognitive performance to improved emotional regulation.
Fulfillment at work isn’t about finding your passion; it’s about cultivating the relationships that create a sense of belonging.
Yushiro Kato — the 32-year-old co-founder and CEO of manufacturing platform CADDi — offers his most valuable leadership learnings.
Our minds seem both physical and intangible. That paradox has gripped this neuroscientist since childhood.
Do our thoughts have any meaning whatsoever?
Of the millions of substances people encounter daily, health researchers have focused on only a few hundred. Those in the emerging field of exposomics want to change that.
If you think you know what sex, gender, and “the right thing to do” for trans youth and adults are, be sure it agrees with actual science.