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Personal Growth

Find Your Big Why

Settings goals is important but so is knowing your ‘big why’. Michele Corey says when you have clarity of vision, all those little tasks on your ‘to do’ list take on a different energy.
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Michele Corey says when you have clarity of vision, all those tasks on your ‘to do’ list take on a different energy. “We reach our vision by first of all having one, then by setting smart goals that are proactive, inspired and put us in charge of our tasks and actions. If your list contains things like: you want to have a successful business, be promoted to VP…for each of these areas, add the following words: ‘so that’. The ‘so that’ represent your big why, why you really want the first part of the sentence. When you get to the bottom of your ‘big why’…you’re filled with a sense of connection, energy and passion.”

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