Scotty Hendricks
Contributing Writer
Scotty Hendricks is a graduate student and long-time contributor to Big Think. He resides in Chicago.

These books helped build the empirical case that life’s origins differ from those described in myths and legends.
From acclaimed novels to heretical treatises, sometimes a writer just doesn’t want to put their name on the cover.
Two great philosophies — but do they work better together?
Many beloved fantasy adventures take place in worlds that bear a striking resemblance to our own.
Studying why innovation clusters form can shed light on how to better promote research and growth.
Have you ever noticed how many things you interact with but can’t name? So did we.
From flow to emotional intelligence, these insightful books feature actionable advice you can try out today.
From Nick Carraway to Charles Marlow, these side characters offered truths their scene-stealing protagonists couldn’t.
From Taoism to hedonism, philosophers have devised all sorts of ways to live your best life.
Philosophy isn’t stuck in the past. Here are five texts to connect you with its ongoing dialogue.
Esperanto was intended to be an easy-to-learn second language that enabled you to speak with anyone on the planet.
These hard-to-finish books are still worth the effort.
While Taoism can be paradoxical and abstract, it also offers daily life lessons.
Science and philosophy seem to be separate fields, but philosophical advancements have made the world more accepting of debate and unorthodox ideas.
Is immortality a tantalizing possibility or a philosophical paradox?
Dive into five philosophical schools that have faded into obscurity but still whisper through the ages.
Dive into China’s profound intellectual legacy through five seminal texts that have shaped millennia of thought.
Dive into seven texts that continue to shape Western philosophy, from ancient Mesopotamia to Greece’s brightest minds.
Six authors, six monumental legacies, and a unique thread connecting them: a solitary novel that shines brightly.
Music is part of the human experience, which is why some philosophers have written about it. Some had wacky ideas.
Philosophy can focus on some dull topics. Luckily, some thinkers have spent lots of time on the philosophy of sex
Great writing can unveil the criminal psyche better than any other artistic medium.
Philosophy is often seen as little more than armchair speculation. This is a shame, as philosophy often has helped science reach new heights.
A philosophical debate spanning creation, free will, and a sneaky teapot.
You become the main protagonist in these novels.
These core teachings make an ideal starting point for exploring Buddhist philosophy.
Dive into the twisted truths and concealed realities told by literature’s most unreliable narrators.
Dive into a realm where time, space, and even reality itself are put into question.
Is there an ultimate answer to the age-old question?
In “The History of Western Philosophy,” Bertrand Russell made it clear whose thinking he admired — and whose thinking he didn’t.