Why do we tip waitstaff and cabdrivers but not flight attendants and retail clerks?
In all directions, at great distances, the Universe looks younger, more uniform, and less evolved. Does that mean Earth must be the center?
Australia’s AAPowerLink boasts three global superlatives: largest solar farm, largest battery, and longest power cable.
Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
Time is relative, not absolute, as gravity and motion both cause time to dilate. Your head and feet, therefore, don’t age at the same rate.
Monica Parker explains how creating opportunities for wonder can help foster a thriving, inclusive workplace.
Despite many ultra-distant galaxy candidates found with JWST, we still haven’t seen anything from the Universe’s first 250 million years.
Mark Weinstein outlines a new path for social media that protects, respects, and empowers the regular users.
Late bloomers often find their moment of transformation when life throws them a curveball.
Anne-Marie Rosser — CEO of creative agency VSA Partners — shares her cross-generational vision for a new brand of leadership.
Fun in business is no laughing matter — it can create a golden strategic advantage and bring serious success in the long term.
LHC scientists just showed that spooky quantum entanglement applies to the highest-energy, shortest-lived particles of all: top quarks.
The findings show that even small areas in the brain may have the potential to represent complex meanings.
Mike Bechtel, chief futurist with Deloitte Consulting LLP, joins Big Think for a wide-ranging look at what’s next — and why.
Just 460 light-years away, the closest newborn protostars are forming in the Taurus molecular cloud. Here are JWST’s astonishing insights.
Why the road to self-driving vehicles is paved with smarter “dumb” cars.
How technology could change everything we thought we knew about reproduction.
In today’s political climate, how can we come together and seek some common ground or understanding? What are the mechanics of doing that? Is there some script or set of […]
It’s hard to know what other people know. But it’s not impossible.
It’s possible to remove all forms of matter, radiation, and curvature from space. When you do, dark energy still remains. Is this mandatory?
CERN scientists achieved record-breaking accuracy in mapping the mass of a key particle in the Standard Model.
AI has become a black box in more ways than one.
Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
Do we actually live in a deterministic Universe, despite quantum physics? An alternative, non-spooky interpretation has now been ruled out.
It’s deceptively tricky to distinguish living systems from non-living systems. Physics may be key to solving the problem.
With the discovery of Porphyrion, we’ve now seen black hole jets spanning 24 million light-years: the scale of the cosmic web.
We spend over a third of our lives at work, yet the global workplace is often not a happy place. The solution may lie with our feelings of attachment.
Some biologists believe natural selection produces animals that are just good enough. Dawkins disagrees.
From hunter-gathers to desk jockeys, we work best when short, intense sessions are followed by lighter fare.
It would get rid of our hazardous, radioactive, and pollutive waste for good, but physics tells us it’s a losing strategy for elimination.