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HELP WANTED – Suggestions for me regarding New Zealand?

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Remember when I was looking for some interesting opportunities for my fall sabbatical? Well, those didn’t pan out so much (thanks for the offer to teach middle school again, Russ!) and I’ve spent that time working on my 3 books (yes, 3; more on those later)…

However, at the risk of inciting intense personal jealousy, I’m extraordinarily fortunate to announce that – with Iowa State University’s permission – I will have a 12–week visiting faculty fellowship at The University of Canterbury (UC) in Christchurch, New Zealand next spring. I’ll be doing some teaching, interacting with faculty and practicing educators, meeting school leaders and seeing schools, presenting at the Learning@School conference, doing some work with Core Education, etc.

I don’t know a lot about New Zealand other than that the UC and Core Education folks have been most welcoming and that the scenery is spectacular. What should I see and do (either personally or professionally)? Even more importantly, with whom should I connect while I’m there?! [contact info would be helpful; are there any New Zealand educator Twitter lists?]

We’re really looking forward to our trip. Any suggestions you have for me and my family to make the most of our experience as honorary Kiwis would be most welcome!

Image credit:Rakaia Gorge

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