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Gruesome Irony

An anti-abortionist activist was convicted in Kansas of murdering a doctor in the first degree who performed abortions.
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An anti-abortionist activist was convicted in Kansas of murdering a doctor in the first degree who performed abortions. “A Kansas jury deliberated just 37 minutes before convicting an anti-abortion activist of first-degree murder in the fatal shooting of an abortion provider. The jury found Scott Roeder, 51, guilty of gunning down Dr. George Tiller, who operated a clinic in Wichita where late-term abortions were performed. Roeder, 51, faces life in prison when he is sentenced on March 9. Tiller’s family said the jury reached a ‘just’ verdict. ‘At this time we hope that George can be remembered for his legacy of service to women, the help he provided for those who needed it and the love and happiness he provided us as a husband, father and grandfather,’ the family said in a written statement. A day earlier, Roeder told jurors he had shot Tiller in the foyer of Reformation Lutheran Church as Sunday services began. Testifying as his only defense witness, he said he believed he had to kill Tiller to save lives. He said he had no regrets.”

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