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It seems the nation that prides itself on doing things just a little differently has succumbed to the newspaper industry’s woes just like everyone else. The French paper of record […]
Some false beliefs, such as paranoia, are ill-suited to evolutionary success, but some, like extreme optimism in the face of insurmountable odds, are a boon, says Scientific American.
In 2007, papermaker Stora Enso commissioned six leading designers – Paula Scher, Marian Bantjes, Christoph Niemann, Bruce McCall, Michael C. Place and Winterhouse – to create a series of posters around […]
Ok, I have to admit it. I did not watch the World Cup match between Germany and England. In fact the only match I have watched was the incredibly dull […]
Football fever surrounds the Fortune Global Forum here in Cape Town, South Africa! Amidst the fascinating discussions about finding high-tech solutions to Africa’s problems, one can’t help but appreciate the […]
Is American sexual apathy a medical condition or the result of an “anxious, overachieving, white upper middle class?” The New York Times ruminates on the prospect of female Viagra.
Despite a bloated and ineffective American justice system, current state budget cuts affecting front line officers and public defenders deal a blow to due process, says Sasha Abramsky at The Guardian.
Yesterday, Congress overwhelmingly—in the Senate, the vote was 99-0—approved new sanctions against Iran intended to punish the country for its pursuit of nuclear weapons in violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation […]
Is Alvin Greene the kryptonite the Democrats needed for Jim DeMint all along? Has DeMint become allergic to the bombastic press conferences he used to conduct once or twice a […]