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American support of President Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan mirrors its ill-advised support of Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam. A shortsighted and simplistic foreign policy is to blame.
Mexico’s President Felipe Calderón has militarized his country’s war on drugs, a task once reserved for the police. The consequences have been dire, says the editor of Mexico’s La Jornada.
“China’s growing thirst for water is driving one of the world’s biggest mass relocations, with 440,000 people leaving their homes to make way for a huge man-made canal project.”
“America’s biggest—and only major—jobs program is the U.S. military.” Robert Reich says we need a jobs program for public goods like light-rail and renewable energy, not outmoded weapons.
Just as better off New Yorkers head for the Hamptons in August and the French head en masse on holiday, clogging up roads, the British see August as the month […]
“A lack of women during men’s teenage years still haunts their health decades later.” The Economist reports on a surprising study that hints at an important formative sexual period.
“The point in prehistory when our early ancestors first picked up a sharp-edged stone to butcher animals has been pushed back one million years with the discovery of ancient bones.”
We are but two days away from Friday 13th August, which for all of those who are superstitious about black cats or walking under ladders, threatens to be something of […]
Explaining our predisposition to religious belief, just as scientists can explain taste and perception of color, does not make it a nonsense, says neuroscientist Michael Graziano.
According to Ole Ole Olson at The Public Record, over the past year an invitation-only Yahoo group called “Digg Patriots” has been systematically pushing right-wing content and “burying” liberal views […]