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Men and women make think similarly about sex: “New data is undermining the evidence that has long been proposed to support the eager males—choosy females paradigm.”
At the end of September, a federal court struck down an Ohio law forbidding companies from labeling dairy products as made from milk that is “rBGH free,” “rBST free,” or […]
“A new report reveals just how fast we are consuming the Earth’s resources – and the dire consequences.” By 2030 we will need the capacity of two Earths to absorb greenhouse gas.
House Democrats are in trouble. Even with substantial majorities in both houses of Congress, Democrats have been unable to get the economy back to operating at full capacity. Whatever the […]
“Climate change activists no longer dwell on impending climate doom, but on the economic windfall that will result from embracing the ‘green’ economy.”
A photo of one’s beloved activates the brain’s reward centers like a drug might; learning how to harness love could help relieve pain without drug-induced side effects.
The World has watched and cheered to the rafters the human drama unfolding in Chile. That thirty three miners could be trapped underground for two months, survive and be winched […]