Enter to Win Subscriptions to Wired, Discover, Inc. and Popular Science

Dr. Kaku’s Universe and Big Think want to make you even better informed than you already are with subscriptions to four great magazines. To enter, simply post a comment in the comment box in response to the question below. You have to be a registered user of Big Think in order to post a comment (REGISTER HERE if you haven’t already). The winner will receive one-year subscriptions to Wired, Discover, Inc. and Popular Science.
QUESTION: If you had the opportunity to travel back in time to 1915 and sit with Albert Einstein for three hours—with the opportunity to bring him three books, magazines, photos or manuscripts published within the last 15 years—what books would you bring to him that you feel may give him a headstart on a few of his own theories?
One winner will be chosen on Halloween and the winning answer will be announced here on the Dr. Kaku’s Universe blog.
If you don’t wish to receive the four magazines listed (Wired, Discover, Inc. and Popular Science) — You may also have the option to choose a SINGLE subscription to one of the magazines below.