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The Yemeni government is attempting to take the fight to al–Qaeda, using helicopters to comb the governorates of Marib, Shabwa, Hadramawt, and probably al–Jawf. (All of this makes me wonder […]
I returned home from vacation to find that apparently both Brian and the readership of this blog also decided to take a few days off. The news, however, did not. […]
Last week, following a Mareb Press story, I wrote a bit about the possibility of US drones patrolling the skies over Marib looking for AQAP membersThe story, it seems, has […]
Al-Arabiyya and numerous other outlets are reporting that two al-Qaeda suspects have been killed and other was taken into custody today at a checkpoint in the southern Saudi city of […]
Just some more numbers confirming what we already know. Oil is falling, defecit is rising. I swear, one of these days we’ll have a nice post.
I realize that most of Waq al-waq’s long-time and loyal readers (as silent as you usually are) are well aware of the complicated tribal politics in Yemen, but since Waq […]
There are now three conflicting narratives about what exactly happened in Marib last week in the fighting between al-Qaeda and the Yemeni government. There is a media narrative, a government […]
Al-Tagheer is reporting that the delegation under the command of ‘Abd al-Qadir Hilal brokered an initial agreement yesterday between the protesters and the army, which was supposed to be implemented […]
A fairly but not fully comprehensive list of articles I have written.Don’t Assassinate the Dangerous Cleric al-Awlaki, Newsweek (April 13, 2010)Yemen’s Come Power Struggle, The National (March 18, 2010)AQAP in […]
Both Brian and myself have done some more radio interviews.Brian was on the Takeaway this morningAnd I was in an NPR piece from Jackie Northam last night. (I have actually […]
Today, as many know, is the 44th anniversary of the assassination of one of this blog’s hero and a hero to many in Yemen, Muhammad Mahmud al-Zubayri. This blog takes […]
I know we have a number of readers in Yemen, which ranks just behind the UK and the US in readership, and soundly trounces Norway in fourth place, and so […]
In what can only be described as an “oh no, not this too,” moment, a car bomb exploded in the middle of a procession of al-Huthi followers celebrating the controversial […]
I have often wondered what I would say if I could say something without my name being attached to my comments, I’m still not sure. But I would certainly request […]
Deadlines and an excess of “real” work has kept blogging to a minimum over the past couple of days, but now having righted our small and fragile universe Waq al-waq […]