WAMU’s Kojo Namdi Show spotlights labor rights for part-time faculty. You can listen to the full show here Labor Rights for Part-time College ProfessorsFor Washington-area universities, the large pool of […]
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An editorial by 17 professional societies at the FASEB Journal details the findings of a new survey on public opinion about evolution. The editorial closes by urging new approaches to […]
Over at Monkey Trials, Scott Hatfield suggests that in the next administration the new presidential science advisor should be a famous science popularizer such as EO Wilson or perhaps even […]
Obama’s Iowa momentum has proven too much for Hillary Clinton’s campaign team to fight off. With multiple polls in New Hampshire showing a double digit lead for Obama, it looks […]
The first two months that the new Fox Business Channel was on the air, it averaged a mere 6,900 viewers on any given weekday. The handful of viewers for the […]
Vanity Fair has the clues and the reader is left to connect the dots: Film is set in 1957 (ten years after crash at Roswell), was shot in New Mexico, […]
As I wrote yesterday, the key indicator following Obama’s expected win in New Hampshire tomorrow night will be the distance that he has closed in the subsequent national polls. If […]
Despite his deep faith and frequent use of religious language, Obama is the clear favorite in New Hampshire among the non-religious. According to the exit polls, among the 22% of […]
James Watson outrageously suggested that Africans were genetically inferior.If race is a biological fiction, what are the reasons for persistent belief in this social myth? My colleague Tim Caulfield, Director […]
In the 1984 presidential election pitting the charismatic Ronald Reagan against the plodding Walter Mondale, polls showed that a majority of Americans when asked specifically about their policy preferences favored […]
As I have traveled across the country over the past year giving talks on new directions in science communication, one of my recommendations to science institutions and organizations has been […]
Ten months ago the patterns of attacks among some of the leading personalities at Fox News were already emerging.With Barack Obama’s win tonight in Iowa, expect the character attacks, innuendo, […]
In an editorial at this week’s Science, editor Donald Kennedy raises concerns that religion has come to dominate the presidential race and argues that instead science should have an equal […]
At the History News Network, my American University colleague Lenny Steinhorn teams up with his brother Charles, a professor of Mathematics at Vassar College, to point out the misleading nature […]
Did you know that while an Illinois Senator that Barack Obama successfully passed major bills on crime, ethics, campaign finance reform, and low wage work? And that these accomplishments reveal […]
When a candidate falters, the first person blamed is the chief campaign strategist. Six months ago Clinton’s top adviser Mark Penn could do no wrong. He was the guru of […]
At Time magazine, a focus on who will break out of the pack?!As the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary approaches, it’s all horse race all the time in the […]
Excerpt from coal and utility advertisement run in KansasBack in November, by framing their advertising appeals in terms of economic competitiveness and patriotism, a coal company and utility effectively promoted […]
If anyone knows their way around airports, it’s Frank Luntz. The language maestro estimates he logs 300,000 miles a year and stays in 100 hotels as he jets around the […]
Starting in the 1970s, historians, sociologists, and anthropologists began to apply their methods and theories to understanding the processes and assumptions that shape the production of scientific knowledge and technology. […]
Advisers worry that Benedict is not as media savvy as John Paul.Religion like science does not speak for itself, it needs to be carefully communicated with the media and specific […]
Back in 2005 when I spent a month as a visiting scholar at Dresden Technical University in Germany, I was stunned to be told by several graduate students that in […]
Mike Huckabee plays guitar and jokes about his weight on The Tonight Show.Last night on Jay Leno, Mike Huckabee put in the best late night performance in presidential history, potentially […]
Here we go again…another book telling us why religious belief is illogical. Shocker! But this time it’s from one of my favorite writers, John Allen Paulos. It will be interesting […]
On January 4, the National Academies will release its revised and updated report on Science, Evolution, & Creationism. After the news conference that day, the booklet and brochure will be […]
For readers on campus or in the area, on Monday I will be giving a lecture hosted by the Program in Science, Technology, & Environmental Policy (STEP) at Princeton University’s […]
Artist rendition of nanobot assisting in reproduction.As I highlighted last week, in the latest issue of Nature Nanotechnology my colleague Dietram Scheufele is the lead author on a survey analysis […]
Dear readers,I have spent the weekend battling a major case of the flu and unfortunately tomorrow’s Framing Science talk at Princeton University has been postponed. I am hoping it can […]
Pew has released its annual analysis of the top 20 most followed news stories of the year by the public. Pew pairs the survey data with a summary of their […]
In the Sunday NY Times Book Review, the conservative satirist PJ O’Rourke reviews Taylor Clark’s Starbucked, an investigative and sociological look at the rise of America’s most prominent coffee chain.For […]