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It’s my great pleasure to unveil something we’ve been working on for the last little bit, 3 simple announcements from my company:nWe announced this morning some really exciting news, parts […]
Facebook Likes are the new audience interaction. More than 50 people liked my post on Facebook simplifying their Facebook Page management tools on the Involver blog, yet only one person […]
I’m fascinated by people and companies who benefit from good content creation to support non-content business objectives: n n Fred Wilson, Chris Dixon, and Mark Suster have materially changed the […]
In the interest of helping people understand me more effectively, I’ve changed the name of this blog to “Cue the Future,” which more aptly communicates what guides most of my […]
I read an interesting article on USA Today’s website: “Some ditch social networks to reclaim time, privacy” n The reporting is on the trend of more and more people quitting […]
A broader take on Quora n Quora is a new startup, founded by talented ex-facebookers, which is currently the topic of much discussion and investor lust. It is a Q&A […]
I’m a big fan of Obama, and have publicly supported him on this blog several times. I think, by in large, he’s done a great job of managing the presidency […]
I’m about to give the last talk at the BILPIL conference (an un-conference version of TEDMED, an event that celebrates conversations on innovative health and medicine). This presentation is my effort at exploring both of those tracks (private market solutions and public reform) and figure out how they work together. I’m still learning this stuff, so please give me your feedback!